Saturday, May 06, 2006

Canadians and our coffee...

now I have read it all. At first I thought it was funny how a study came out about 8 months ago concerning the greenhouse effect and global warming put together by the ecological people of canada that stated that if the trends continue and warming keeps going, the canadian past time of hockey will be greatly effected. That is one way to get canadians to sit up and listen. They tried the health tactic, tried to show that warming could shift the balance of food production (arctic would become the breadbelt where the breadbelt now would turn to desert), and they even tried the "it is your house, lets keep it clean" approach to little avail. Now, they turn to the one thing that hurts canadians the most, hinder our hockey life style.

Then I read this were the Tim Horton's chain is now branching out to the war torn countries of the world. Which has me wondering, is the chain branching out because they want to increase their market value to the world, or are they branching out because they know that over seas are canadian soldiers stationed there and they cant live without their daily dose of a 'police mans breakfast' (cup of coffee and a donut). I even got a sort of strange giggle in my head concerning the training that these potential Timmy Ho's workers are going through. They have to learn how to diffuse hostage situations and learn first aid in case someone loses an arm? That would put a new twist on the application process huh? under "education" and before "work experience" there would be a nice list of qualifications with the check mark places for "bomb disposal knowledge", "hostage negotiation", "weapons use and knowledge", "hand to hand combat knowledge". Hope Tim's is going to be paying more than minimum wage for these people. I wonder who they are going to get signing up for this? those just out of the army, finished their tours of duty and looking for a non-stress filled job to go to?*G*

70 people already are going through the training for the 41 positions. That is quite impressive. Guess it just goes to show that us Canadians take things seriously. Our hockey, our beer and our coffee.


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