Friday, February 16, 2007

cant say a word

man, I would so love to say something, but I can't. I mean, I have been told that a person can't say something about another country or culture if they are not living in it because they dont know what it is like. Sort of like going to someone elses house and telling them how to raise their kids. If you dont agree with how a country is ruling their people or saying things, you cant really say anything or do anything because the people have the right in that country to decide whether to stay or leave so therefore you cant force them to follow your way.

I read this article and one little line got me:
At the same time, Mr Lee refers to how generous state welfare benefits for the employed and the elderly have led to the weakening of the family unit in many Western countries.

"When somebody loses his job, he falls back on state unemployment insurance. When he grows old, he relies on state pensions and medical care. As a result, family members often feel little responsibility to care for one another," says PM Lee.

Thanks for making our 'western' culture so horrible there. I know, it is a horrible thing Mr PM Lee for the gov't to be expected to take some sympathy and responsibility for the people that elect them and give them power. I mean, gov't of the west is really different than that of the east, or at least Singapore. You see, over here the gov't is supposed to take care of the people they govern, the gov't here is not just here to take taxes and pay leaders millions of dollars. Remind me what is your salary? are you being paid $2.6 million or just $2 million? and how about your daddy that keeps hanging on and making job positions for himself to help keep Singapore under an iron fist since only he can run the country, what is he making? a good $2.8 million as well? guess that means in just your family alone you are pulling down over $5 million a year, not counting your wives and brothers and uncles that are CEOs of high corporations and all in Singapore. I mean, you are truly a blessed family to have such luck to have really smart people in your family so that they can rise in ranks of NS so fast to gain notice of all these great corporations to get these high positions. Guess it is kind of easy for you to take care of your elders, since you have millions to throw around.

Guess it is up to the Singaporean people to take care of their elders because the Singaporean gov't really isnt going to do it. It isnt because they are cold or distant or just looking out for the 'elites' best interests. I think it is just really tough love. After all, makes perfect sense. If the gov't is going to care for the elders, then the family really doesnt have to do anything but let someone else do the work. But if the gov't doesnt care for the elders (as much as it hurts them deep down in their very bones) then that will only strengthen the family ties. Guess that is why the suicide rate of elders is down so much in Singapore. Apparently 'In the last five years, an average of 65 elderly people committed suicide each year in Singapore' ( Glad there is a big drop in suicide rate in Singapore. Guess we shouldnt say that in this 'horrible western society that has lead to the degredation of family', the suicide rate of the elderly in 1981 was nearly 41 per 100,000 to drop down to 27.5 per 100,000 in 1997.

now, most would say "well that is the same, so Singapore is doing good". You are the size of ONE of our cities! Your leaders are paid nearly 4 times that of our leaders, and yet your country is the size of ONE of our cities. You'd think that to pay a leader so much to run just a small city that you would have money enough to scatter around to help all those people under your rule and not just line your pockets.

But, I would love to say something like that, but too bad I can not. oh well, guess I will just have to bury it deep down and not say anything...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Singaporean and I couldn't agree more with your comments. I've also challenged the fact why our leaders are payed so much to govern such a small country. Our President gets paid so much just to jet around a few countries shake some hands, and attend some University Convocations. With such a size, of course it's easy to ensure all roads are lit, clean drinking water is delivered to all households etc. If they really want to have a challenge, go rule India or Pakistan and see if they can really succeed. Then their pay can be justified. Somehow I feel Singapore is run like a legalised Mafia. They make no excuses for paying themselves so much coz they legalise it. Sad but true...

9:59 AM  

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