Monday, February 05, 2007

difference in religions

Not much to say on this one. I mean, I remember a point during a year or two ago when a picture of a religious person caused embassies to be torched, riots in the streets, death contracts being given out for the heads of the cartoonists and a general hatred towards different religions. Yeah, you know which ones I am talking about, that cartoon showing Muhammod in a bomb turbin. Now, look at what happens when you start mocking the Catholic religion. You can now buy a beard and crown of thorns and pretend to be the 'king of kings' in the around the Vatican, the big head office of the whole catholic religion. Not really the big spot where all the things happened, but where all the paperwork is done and the head leader is living. Sort of like Ottawa in Canada. Not really where all the things were signed and formed and stuff, but where the big wigs meet for the whole meeting thing, the Centre Of The Universe in Canadian minds (at least for the easterners).

now that leads me to wonder, are Muslims fanatics and just overly charged about their religion and take it to extremes, or are they normal and Catholics are just really 'weekend worshipers' and dont take their religion serious enough? and who would buy a crown of thorns and beard just to walk around the vatican like a really tacky tourist? oh well, if you build it, they will come...if you sell it, they will buy.

Vatican officials are in a huff after Jesus fancy dress kits went on sale in Italy.
For about $20 Cdn, the kit contains a plastic crown of thorns and a false beard.
Vatican priest Father Vittorino Gorss said: "This is an insult and blasphemous to millions of believers."
One shopkeeper selling the kit in the buildup to Lent said: "I can't see what the problem is. It's only a wig and beard."
Ah, spoken like a true nonbeliever.


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