Thursday, January 25, 2007

so much to disagree with

Why is it that there is so much I disagree with in the world, and yet I am constantly told that I can have no opinion? After all, the Singaporean drug laws I totally disagree with, their stance on capital punishment I totally disagree with and even the death penalty in the states that they only hold for really hardass criminals I disgree with...and yet Canadians are constantly told to mind their own business when it comes to other countries laws and affairs. For instance, the Canadian gov't just recently got told off by the US ambassador to Canada saying that we have no right in giving any pressure on the Arar case of getting him off the USA watch list. True, we cant tell a country who they can and can not let into their country. No one can tell another country who they can and can not let into their country.

After months and months of coming to terms with being told that I, as a foreigner and Canadian, have no right to tell other countries what is right or wrong, but only to put myself in the other countries shoes and go from there, I feel I have achieved that task. It used to bug me horribly when I read stories about how human rights were being cast aside by some in certain countries, how great horrors (at least in my mind) were being done under the name of 'law' and how freedom could be cast aside so easily by some to please the rulig parties. But, not anymore. Nope, nope. I feel now I can honestly put myself in the shoes of the other countries people and see the reports and all from their point of view and not my own personal Canadian view. Like when I read this news article:
Dad kills daughter after doubting her virginity
Updated Thu. Jan. 25 2007 8:38 AM ET

Associated Press

AMMAN, Jordan -- A Jordanian man fatally shot his 17-year-old daughter whom he suspected of having sex despite a medical exam that proved her chastity, an official said Thursday. The man surrendered to police hours after the killing, saying he had done it for family honour.

A state forensic pathologist, who works at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine in Amman where an autopsy was performed, said in a phone interview that the girl had run away from home several times for unknown reasons.

Weeks ago, the girl had returned home from a family protection clinic after doctors had vouched for her virginity and the father had signed a pledge not to harm her, the pathologist said on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the case.

"The tests proved that she was a virgin," the pathologist said. The girl returned home only after her father signed a statement promising not to harm her, he added.

The father shot the girl four times in the head on Tuesday. On Wednesday, an autopsy was performed that again showed "she was still a virgin," the pathologist said.

Authorities have not disclosed the names of the father or the daughter or even their hometown, saying only that they lived in a southern province.

The crime is the first "honour killing" this year in Jordan, where many men consider sex out of wedlock to be an almost indelible stain on a family's reputation. On average, about 20 women in the country are killed by their relatives in such cases each year. Women have been killed for simply dating.

Global human rights organizations have condemned such killings and appealed to King Abdullah II to put an end to them.

In response, the government has abolished a section in the penal code that allowed for "honour" killers to get sentences as lenient as six months in prison. Instead, the government has told judges to consider honour killings on a par with other homicides, which in Jordan are punishable by up to 15 years in jail.

But attempts to introduce harsher sentences have been blocked by conservative lawmakers who argue that tougher penalties would lead to promiscuity.

Queen Rania also has called for harsher punishment for such killers.


as I first read this article I thought 'wow, looks like the country is coming along' but then I took a closer look and realized that it was only because Global human rights organizations have put pressure on the king and gov't to do something. My GOD! how horrible of these Global human rights organizations. Cant they leave well enough alone! I mean, a father has every right to shoot his daughter if he feels that she has in some way or fashion tainted the family name. It isnt like the daughter didnt know that the dad could do this. The article says that 20 women a year are killed for such crimes. Though the article doesnt say it I am sure that the father had said a few times "If I find you screwing around, I will kill you". So there were warnings, it was a justified cause and a clean kill. Cant these stupid Global organizations leave well enough alone and just stay out of other countries business? I mean, just cause one group of people have an idea on what humans have as rights doesnt mean that all us countries have to bow down and take up their ideas. If it wasnt for these stupid organizations, then Jordan wouldnt have to take up valuable gov't time trying to rework the legal penal code to coincide with everyone elses idea of human rights. Time that could have been spent trying to make Jordan a healthier, safer and better place to live.

Oh well, at least there is some hope that the change is slow and harsher punishments are not coming soon. Who knows, maybe in by the time it starts to pick up, these horrible Global human rights organizations might have matured to the point of leaving everyone alone and only coming to help when they are asked.


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