Monday, December 04, 2006

little things mean a lot..

Ever wonder if it is not the big moments in your life that you have done that make the most impact on people, or if it is the smaller moments that lead up to it? when you are having a fight with someone, is it the last big thing that causes the fight or is it the smaller little things leading up to it. You are married to someone, a guy/girl leaves the toilet seat down/up constantly, dirty towels on the floor, underwear and socks on the floor and not in the hamper all to the annoyance of the wife/husband, but it is when s/he doesnt call when s/he is going out for a beer with the guys/girls that s/he gets mad and yells at him/her. Is it the big 'not calling' that caused the fight, or is it the smaller things that dont get mentioned?

When you are dating someone, is it the big annivesary spending, huge gift, expensive restaurant, grand speeches and professions of love that make the most impact on that person; or is it the little things like coming to their place when they are sick with soup and their favorite magazine to help them get better, or sitting down with them when they are having a bad day and listening to them rant about all the stupidity in the world and then just hugging them close when they are done talking?

What do you remember most about those people surrounding you in your life? if you were asked to say one thing about the person you love the most in your life, would it be some grand expensive thing that they did for you, or would it be something small and simple that meant a lot to you at the time? is it ever really the simple things in life that we care about the most, or has society today been reduced to high monetary or extravagant things that mean the most?

At your funeral, what would you rather have someone say about you? would you like to be known as a person that did extravagant things and had huge projects but didnt have time for the little people (ex. 'he was chairman on the board to fight AIDS, ran multiple charities in the names of homeless, poverty, cancer research and MS..not really sure what he was like out of the office, but he helped tons of people indirectly') or would you rather be known by the little people (ex. having a hall filled with homeless people, beggars, the downtrodden and friends that say great things about you as the person that listened to their troubles, treated them like humans, gave them a blanket or coat off your back when they were cold, sandwich from your lunch box when they were hungry, or just had the time to sit and talk with them when they needed someone to listen to)? Do you want to be one man to the world, or do you want to be the world to one man?

tis better to share a dry piece of toast in love with someone, than to eat a steak in anger with someone.


Anonymous Anonymous said... are making me choose between 'love' and 'steak'..... Ahhhhhhhh!

5:51 PM  

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