Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Jason Fox RULES!

Always a good thing when I can go through the daily comics and instead of being bombarded by little quips of dating and stupid little romance moments, I can get a cartoon that speaks to me in this fashion. FoxTrot has got to be one of the best comics out there, and Jason Fox is the best! I think it has to do with the fact that growing up in high school we had a guy like this that we hung around with. Always a funny guy that made us think now and then. Especially a great person to have when you had just finished off your weight in beer and had moved on to the 40 year old creme de banana, or whatever else was in your parents liquor cabinet after an entire household of rebelous teenagers raided it an hour earlier at a party that you really shouldn't have been having, just to keep that buzz going.

Guess to attempt an answer to the first question, they can not co-exist at the same time, just like you can not have War and Peace going on in the same immediate location, or you cant have dark and light in the same limited space, but perhaps you can have preordination and free will happening at different times. You can have war happening in this land and then next door with different people you can have peace, OR you can have light in one room but darkness below a table in the shade where the light can not get to. Tall/short, ugly/beautiful, good/evil do not fit into this equation since they are all comparitive measures since a tall man is only tall when compared to a shorter man, but that tall man becomes short when a taller man enters, and such with ugly to beauty and good to evil. However, there is no comparative of War/Peace, Light/Dark or Free Will/Divine Preordination.

If we start out with one or the other and then switch, by using our free will, would that negate the preordination? If a people were at peace with one nation, but then went to war with them for 5 years, would that mean that peace could no longer be achieved or reached or switched to? So if I was born with a preordained destiny to do something, but also had my capacity for free will which I utilized to reach a different goal, would that mean that I cant switch back to preordination? is preordination so locked and secure that it is immoveable? as soon as you switch off from it, it becomes void, or it is so powerful that you have no free will to break off from it? personally, I am going with the issue that I may have a track of life that I am on, I am destined not just to do one great thing but be destined to do many different things. So, I may be destined to meet the girl of my dreams and have many many children. Now, I met the girl of my dreams but out of free will choose not to have the many many kids. My preordination held that I met the girl, but not about the children. That does not mean that free will along took me to meet the girl, but perhaps a workings of the two.

Maybe the struggle for free will and preordination is simply that people lock it so hard and make it so secure that they perceive it as being one OR the other instead of both helping out a person together. Perhaps we do have the ability to sit back and go with the flow and be predestined to let things happen if we want them to happen that way, but if they are going a path that we are not happy with, we have the power to change that destiny if we so choose. We can sit in a room of light but have a dark corner of the room available, or we can be in a war zone with bullets flying and yet two people of opposing sides tired of fighting could sit down and enjoy a peaceful cup of tea together. So perhaps we can have light co-existing with dark, war co-existing with peace and free will co-existing with preordanation.

As for Batman and Joker, I go with what was said in 'Batman Forever' when Batman told Robin that he could quest to kill Two-Face for the death of his parents, but if Robin accomplish his vengeance, then he would be left with an empty hole in his life for life is meant to be lived for yourself and for enjoyment not for a specific vengeful goal. Spoken like a man who has walked that road, I would say that Batman did his vengeful act, Joker was killed and Batman was far from happy upon the death.

It is always a nice feeling to wake up in the morning and read a comic that helps spur your thoughts forward instead of treating you to mindless garbage and mind numbing boredom.


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