Sunday, November 19, 2006

good of the child...and the hole debate

What does constitute 'right' and 'wrong'? I know that there is the popular belief of right being that which the majority has deemed to be acceptable and wrong is what they have deemed to be unacceptable. For example, in the southern cities of Canada I have discovered that it is wrong to take items from another persons house or to take anything that is not your own possession and use it, even though you have the intentions to return it after you are finished. If you didnt ask, it is not yours to use. However, I have found that there is a sort of unwritten rule in the northern territories amongst the natives that you can 'borrow' things from anyone without permission and use them as long as you like and return it whenever you want. This does not constitute theft, and it is not wrong but it is a totally acceptable way of living. It is only when the white man laws come into effect and the natives borrow something from a white man that isnt the majority that things get hairy.

But in the end, when it is something that is not a majority, what is right? for example, I was watching a show where a woman divorced her husband and they had two kids. The judge granted the wife full custody and the man had to pay child support to his ex wife to raise the kids. No real surprise there since courts these days figure it is better to have the man work and give the money to the wife who can stay at home, or work, to raise the children cause women make better care givers. However, this man decided to try something and he kidnapped the kids, took them to another country and set up a life. Now, the kicker is that he can do this because he basically is a criminal and a gun runner/arms dealer, to which the wife found out about but the kids have no idea about. In this tropical country, the man has a huge house, servants to care for the children, body guards everywhere, a nanny to help raise the children, private tutors to teach them ever subject in school. He also constantly spends time with the children doing horseback riding lessons, archery, go cart driving and pretty much every thing a child could possibly want for entertainment. If they were to stay with their mother, the children would basically be living in an apartment going to public school, only a small handful of free extra curricular activities and would be spending time alone in the apartment til the mother got off work. Now, in the show, someone came in to 'right this wrong' and went and regained the children, returned them to the mother and got the husband arrested and put away. Was that right? not in the eyes of the law, but what is best for the children. Was it right to take away their happy life style of everything and return them to poverty? if you were the child, where would you have rather lived? in a household of everything but little love, or in a household with little, but lots of love? what is right?

Also, another thing to make you go hmmm. If you dig a hole, you have a hole. But then if you fill in that hole only half way, do you have half a hole or do you have a whole hole? how much of a hole do you have, or did you really have a hole to begin with?


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