Wednesday, November 08, 2006

but you have the equipment!

Govt to introduce laws on 19 new offences, expand scope of existing offences
By Julia Ng, Channel NewsAsia Posted: 08 November 2006 2156 hrs

SINGAPORE : The Home Affairs Ministry is planning to introduce legislation on 19 new offences and expand the scope of 19 existing offences in the Penal Code.

Some of these changes are to keep abreast of technological changes which have taken place in the last two decades, such as the internet and mobile phones.

And with these technological changes, there had been new issues and offences by those who abused or used them to commit crime.

Currently these acts are not covered or prosecuted under related provisions in the Penal Code which do not specifically address these offences.

The last major review of the Penal Code - Singapore's primary criminal legislation - was made in 1984 when mandatory minimum sentences were imposed for offences such as robbery and rape.

Since then, times have changed and some are making use of electronic medium like the internet and mobile phones to commit crimes.

And several of the proposed new laws will aim to help police tackle crimes like credit-card fraud more effectively.

The Ministry proposes to introduce a new law - Section 473B - to prosecute fraudsters who make, or possess equipment used to forge credit cards.

The new laws will also help police deal with internet or mobile phone scams which target Singaporeans, even if the scams are executed outside of Singapore.

Following the case of racist bloggers who were charged under the Sedition Act, the Ministry is now proposing to expand a law under the Penal Code.

Currently, under Section 298, it is an offence to say words meant to wound religious feelings.

The Ministry recommends this to be expanded to cover wounding of racial feelings as well.

This way, prosecutors will have the option of charging offenders under the Penal Code or the Sedition Act.

There are also plans to enact a new offence which covers an action that is likely to cause racial or religious disharmony, or promote enmity on grounds of race or religion.

The law on 'unlawful assembly' will also be clarified. The Ministry is proposing that if five or more people gather with a common intention to commit a crime, they can be charged with 'unlawful assembly' even if the gathering does not disturb public tranquility.

"The whole idea is to be able to intervene earlier rather than wait for the crime to take place. What this unlawful assembly is dealing with is large numbers. There's always a sense that more people are more dangerous. And if you have many people, five or more, gathered together with the common objective of committing some crime, the police can take action sooner rather than later," says Associate Professor Kumaralingam Amirthalingam from the Faculty of Law at NUS.

On cheating, it is proposed that the law be expanded to make a culprit liable even if he does not carry out the act himself and appoints an agent to do it for him. - CNA /ls

First off, I would like to mention that no I am not throwing stones into someone elses garden. I know that every country has the right to do with their citizens as they choose. However, I just have to poke a little fun at it cause, hey, cause I am Canadian and I figure people in countries poke fun at us canucks on a regular basis and we even do it ourselves. I mean, America may have 'this hour has 22 minutes' and other satirical talk show/news shows, but none can compare to the fun us canucks have with Royal Canadian Air Farce*G*.

With each new age, there come new rules with the times. All areas have to be tweaked, altered and changed to fit into the new signs of the times. I know that in Canada our laws are constantly being tweaked and moved with the interpretation of the law as the judges sees fit, and then those interpretations are used to set a precident for other cases down the line.

Two things that got me was when they started to talk about the tweaking of the sedition laws "to cover wounding of racial feelings". Racial feelings? so, to what level of racial feelings are we talking here? is it like sedition where you can say "I dont like it when these foreigners come to take our jobs" but you cant say "we should kill all malays for the good of the world"? kind of like how you can say (in Canada) "we are an affirmative action hiring company" but you cant say "whites need only apply"? or what about the feelings of the person. I mean, I have always had a sore spot for the term "ang moh" and have corrected my fiancee already when she called me that. So, does that mean if I hear someone on the street of Singapore say "that is so ang moh" or I even read it in a blog that someone says "those ang mohs, when will they learn" I can have them charged under the sedition act and fined or gaoled? wow, if that is the case then looks like Singapore Courts is about to get a MAJOR flood of cash coming their way. After all, whose level of sensitivity are we going to judge by? the gov't officials that sue the pants off of any opposition member that even suggests at them being liars, or the common folk on the street that says "ang moh, that is just a word, dont get so defensive". After all, 'chink' is just a word as well though I know a few people from China that might have a few words with you if you call them that.

The next thing in the article that I had to laugh at was "The whole idea is to be able to intervene earlier rather than wait for the crime to take place". That is always the best way to stop a crime from taking place. Similiar to 'Minority Report' where police could see into the future and stop crimes from happening and yet still punishing the offenders for their crimes that werent commited. Nice to know that Singapore has bent the lines of time to see into the future, or see into the hearts of men to know exactly what is in their hearts. Wonder if this has anything to do with that grouping of evil doers at Speakers Corner that actually wanted to walk down the street during the IMF meeting.

A woman is out at the lake with her husband and is trying to read but her husband keeps nattering at her. So, to escape, she gets into her husbands row boat and rows out to the middle of the lake and starts to read her book. Soon a forest ranger comes by and asks her what she is doing to which she replies "reading my book". The ranger looks into the boat and sees a fishing rod, tackle box and cooler and says "do you have a fishing license?" and the woman replies "no, I am just reading". The ranger then informs her that he is charging her for illegal fishing and writing her a ticket. The woman says she is not fishing and the ranger replies "well you have the equipment". So the lady takes the ticket and says "I will be charging you with rape when I get to shore" the ranger is aghast and says "I didnt rape you..I didnt even touch you!" and the woman replies "but you have the equipment"

Cant wait to see how Singapore gets touch on the new technology and things. As well as the courts new ability to charge nearly triple the fines that are now imposed. Looks like Singapore is trying to make up for the billions lost over some financial dealings huh?*G* but, then again, that is just a totally uneducated opinion from a nut across the seas.


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