Saturday, January 20, 2007

what we dont say to each other...

I came across this article after I had logged out of my email and thought it was interesting to give a read. I have to admit that I love to read about people and what they think secretly but dont say. I mean, I find it fascinating how a group of women will sit around and complain and all about another lady and all will agree that she is horrible. But, then two will get up and leave and the one they were complaining about will sit down and start to talk badly about one of the two that have just left. Then, all the women will tear the one that has left apart and all. I also love it when I listen to people talk about how much they hate others or what they think of life and then go completely opposite when the time comes.

So yeah, anyways, I also love it when people talk about relationships. I found this article amusing because it really gave me some insight into what women and men sort of think is a bad thing in a relationship.

Here is the male "Things men want to tell women -- but don't" part of the article:

If you cant get the link (cause I am a computer unfriendly sod, or the link has expired) let me break it down for you.

Guy #1: girls staying in constant contact.
Guy #2: wife spends too much but when told, explodes
Guy #3: asking the wife to dress more sexy or tell them they are overweight or bad clothes
Guy #4: guy tells his wife everything cause 'that is why I married her'. **hmmm, could be he knew his wife was gonna read this article and he didnt want to sleep on the couch**
Guy #5: wife cooks bland and tasteless food for the family
Guy #6: woman buys more clothes than she needs
Guy #7: wont tell his wife he hates doing what they are doing cause it is 'together' time
Guy #8: guy hates being told to do stuff with the wife when he would rather be doing other things.

So, what do we have here? basically guys complaining that their ladies dont give them enough free time to themselves and wives that spend too much money on useless items.

but, dont be discouraged ladies, you had your say. They flipped it around and gave us the "Things men want to tell women -- but don't"

Again, computer unfriendly sod, here is the breakdown:

Girl #1: guy doesnt clean house right
Girl #2: guy doesnt do dishes right
Girl #3: guy wears two layers of socks in winter but doesnt peel them apart before putting in the laundry.
Girl #4: ummm, pretty much everything in life in general. By the list that she has, I am amazed that this girl has someone in her life. She is definitly living a lie and the husband has GOT to look into a divorce lawyer ASAP
Girl #5: guy dwells on the past and doesnt get over hardships quickly
Girl #6: she spends too much on items ($6000 to mastercard for lattes and other coffee drinks)
Girl #7: how much info is told to girlfriends when they are out having drinks.

ok, so what do we have. We have women that dont like to be treated like maids and housekeepers and keeping their spending habits a secret, as well as how much info is being told. Most of the women's problems that they dont tell their husbands can be solved with a few simple words and actions. The words "do your own laundry you slob" and the actions, just let the guy be a guy and stop being a mother hen. Sheesh, if the guy leaves socks and underwear on the lamp shade then fine, mother hen him and teach him to act like a civilized human being. A guy leaves a dish in the sink for a couple days, dont go all freaky on his ass. Either do the dish and be done with it, or leave the dish and let him do it in his own good time. I personally never forget to do the dishes in the sink. I always do them in my own time, but they do get done. The dish might be there for a week or two, but when I need it, I wash it and go about my way. I guess the one problem with the house might be that the ladies make it their job to do the laundry, so the guy depends on the girl to do the laundry and all is well. But, if you have different visa accounts and different cars, then why dont you have different clothes piles? make two hampers and do your own laundry. Cause heavens knows that guys have two piles of sorting. 'Clothes that need to be washed NOW' and 'clothes that can be washed in the next week or two'. Whereas women have multiple piles of clothes ranging from 'clothes that need to be washed now' to 'clothes that need to be washed later' and then they are all broken down into 'air dry' 'fluff dry' 'delicate wash' 'hang dry' 'long cycle' 'low cycle' 'quick cycle' 'barely pass the item of clothing under a spring brook found only in the highest mountains in Asia cycle'. I think that it takes the common husband at least 5 years of their marriage before they can figure out this strange washing obssession (unless that guy has lived with 5 sisters and has been given the duty of clothes washing from a young age). Though, that last lady really doesnt have to worry since guys know that women share all details. Hell, I know my wife tells her girlfriends pretty much everything and anything about me. Though I know it goes both ways since most of my friends, especially co-workers, know everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) about my wife.

Also, why is it that women always claim that they want communication in the relationship, they want to be told things, they want to have feelings shared and to be open and honest with their partner...and yet there are many things that a woman wont share with her man. Why should women have different rules to live by for men? men, on the other hand, are not so hypocritical. We tell women "I really dont care and really dont need to know, thanks" and in return we really dont share things with our women. If only women were not so hypocritical, this world might be a nicer place.

anyways, I just found it to be a nice article to read. and thanks, blueheeler, for your congrats. It is nice to be in wedded bliss.


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