Friday, January 12, 2007

back, but not forgotten

wow, over 5 weeks and no postings from me. Mind you, not that anyone out there reads this but me..and, perhaps Blueheeler. Though the lack of writings hasnt been for lack of thoughts or mindless wanderings of my little mind. It was because I went out and got married. Yep, did the deed, said the words and found that special someone for me. Yep, I found that special someone that I felt right annoying for the rest of my natural life*G* It was a good ceremony. Good times and all were had by all. My wife put a lot of effort into the whole thing. Did decorations by hand, organized the whole thing by herself since I was in another country and basically had to put up with my complaining about it costing too much. In the end it was a fairly inexpensive (or so I am told considering that some chinese weddings range in the $40,000 area) and very intimate affair (as many of the guests said that the guest list in some weddings go to the 300 people range whereas we had nearly 80 people attending).

Mind you, I will be back in a bit with some mindless thoughts very soon. Just have to get back on track with work, life and basically everything else that comes my way. But, like I said, who else reads this but me and Blue, huh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy new year! Welcome back! And congrats on taking the plunge into domestic-bliss. Here's wishing you more happiness than you can shake a stick at... :-)

9:49 PM  

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