Tuesday, May 15, 2007

sports/work 3 - hijab 0

Yet another nail in the great hijab debate that rages throughout this frozen wasteland that we Canucks like to call home. First there was soccer (or football depending on what patch of dirt you put your feet) and now taekwondo has fallen to the age of religious discrimintation. I have already made a mention in previous posts (http://captcanuck.blogspot.com/2007/03/another-hijab-debate.html#comments and http://captcanuck.blogspot.com/2007/03/head-gear.html in case anyone wants a recap) about how the organizations are infringing on the rights and freedoms of a religious group...or is it gender? I mean, they are muslim so that would mean that it is a religious suppression, but the article does state that those being oppressed are women, therefore it is gender. hmmmm, who takes control of this sort of situtation? which is worse? discrimination cause of your gender, or because of your religion?

Though, like all good democratic states that has made this country strong (or slow moving depending on what side of the committee you are sitting on), if there is something said that we dont agree with, simply form another committee to research and look into the details that were used to make the decision by the head leaders and then try to over throw the early decision that was already made. Thus, the committee has the power to basically tell the other head organization to stuff it...and if the committee can over throw the orginial decision then the head organization will create their own committee, waste more time/effort/money and come up with something completely different and by the time they actually shake hands and agree on something, chances are the people who wanted to participate and wear a hijab are dead and buried and the case is pointless. Luckily, there are always ancestors of the orginial people willing to benefit from the end decision. Ahhhh, gotta love the paper pushes...I mean, if we didnt have them...well, I guess that would mean we might have 75% more trees than we do today.

I wonder what the muslim men think of this sort of debate that is happening. I mean, a woman can't be a prison guard and wear a hijab, they can't play soccer or participate in martial arts fighting competition. Guess if we can extrapolate where this is going then chances are any woman wearing a hijab will not be able to work or play any kind of sports, thus putting them back in the house, raising children and cooking/cleaning for the husband. Hmmmm, wonder how many muslim men are gonna be on the front line fighting for the woman's right to wear a hijab at work or in sports?

Taekwondo Federation upholds ban on wearing hijabs

MONTREAL -- Muslim women who participate in competitions sanctioned by the World Taekwondo Federation will not be allowed to wear a hijab.

The decision came Monday following a request for a ruling from the Canadian Taekwondo Federation after two young Muslim girls were banned from a competition last month in Longueuil, Que.

The world federation indicated in a letter to the Canadian federation that it does not recognize any religion and would not make any accommodation for hijabs.

The world federation is the sport's largest organization and is recognized by the International Olympic Committee.

The rule, which forbids wearing anything under protective head-gear, remains unchanged and will be in effect when the world championships begin on Friday in Beijing.

The competition is the first in a series to determine which athletes will compete in the Olympic summer games in Beijing in 2008.

The world federation also indicates in the letter the IOC agrees with its decision.

The world federation is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, and oversees world and Olympic taekwondo competitions.

The Canadian federation says it will accept the ruling while the Quebec Federation of Taekwondo says the ruling shows it was justified in applying the rule last month in Longueuil.
Last week, the International Taekwondo Federation, a separate entity which is not sanctioned by the IOC, announced it would temporarily accept competitors wearing a hijab until a committee could be formed to study the issue further.


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