Friday, May 04, 2007

I remember when...

I am not sure if anyone else out there has noticed this happening. Perhaps it is just in my neighbourhood/city/province/country/continent but has anyone else noticed that people (mainly the generation of 25 years old and younger) really do not know what size of clothes that they are wearing or perhaps have no clue as to what their body shape really is?

When I was growing up and everyone I knew was still having their clothes bought by parents, when they got new clothes, the clothes were always baggy and bigger. The same excuse that the parents rattled off to every kid (the mantra of parenting you may say) was 'Do not worry, you will grow into them'. If the clothes were not purchased but baggy then there was a very high chance it was because the clothes were hand-me-downs from a bigger brother/sister (in this case you just prayed that you had either an older sibling of the opposite gender so you did not get those clothes...or if your parents were really cruel you just prayed that you had an older sibling of the same gender so that the hand-me-downs you did get were genderally socially acceptable) and still the mantra "do not worry, you will grow into them" would be used. I remember wearing shirts, pants and shoes that were all slightly too big but, like the magic of the mantra and spell it wove, I would somehow grow into them in a matter of months and I would soon be walking around in clothes that were slightly too small for me and within a few weeks I would have another set of baggy clothes.

Nowadays, however, when I go out walking I see the teens walking around stuck in either side of these extremes without graduating up and progressing. There are some women walking around in pants that really are WAY to small for them giving them 'muffin waist' (you know, when the skin above the waist sort of balloons out of the pants like a muffin does in the pan when you bake it) and they have 'does-lops' disease (where the belly 'does lop over the belt buckle') worse than a mild aged beer gutted man does. Then there are some guys out there that are wearing clothes that are sooo big for them that there is no possible way in hell that they will ever grow into them. I mean, there is wishful thinking that you, now at 95lbs, are going to burst out to be a 250lbs/6'7" human being, but realistically I do not think that is going to happen anytime soon. These two examples show that the person is caught in the 'do not worry, will grow into it' phase and the 'you have grown into it phase' and they just have not completed the cycle. Now whether that is the inexperience on the parents part to realize that the parents are the ones responsible for moving the cycle along and it is not just an act of God that makes the cycle happen (like the rain cycle, weather cycle, PMS/period cycle in women), or if it is due to the fact that the teens have been given complete control of their wardrobe and have not figured out this transformation cycle is controlled by the individual and not a higher being, I am not sure. All I know is that it is really strange to be sitting on a bus beside an entity that is completely swallowed up by his pants and shirt and then look the other direction and seeing a girl standing in the aisle with a butt crack hanging out worse than a plumber with a full utility belt hanging off it.


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