Wednesday, May 02, 2007

and the Winner is...

the award for the most persistant telemarketer that I know goes to Jeanne from my credit card service. I got a call today saying that as a valued customer using my credit card, the company is willing to offer me a fantastic insurance offer. For $0.89 per $100 outstanding balance on my credit card, they are willing to insure the balance of my credit card in which they will make the minimum payment of my credit card every month if I ever become disabled. As a great deal as well, if there is no outstanding balance owing on my credit card, then I don't pay any money, so this insurance is only charged to me when I need it and not when I don't need it. Also, I have a trial period of 30 days to put this coverage on and if I am not 100% satisfied that this is a great deal (basically, I would have to get disabled in that 30 day period, make my claim and then watch the wonders of their service), then I can cancel at anytime and no money would be charged to my credit card.

Sounds great huh? though taking into account that chances are that at 19.5% annual interest (0.05342% daily) on the balance owing, paying the minimum amount due is only a scratch on the amount that is being put on it at a daily rate.

Then comes the best part, I ask how soon the coverage can take effect and I get told that if I authorize her, the insurance is applied instantly. I tell her that I am currently disabled from work for the last 5 weeks and this would be great because then I can get covered instantly. She then replies that she did not know I was disabled and the insurance would not cover my current disabled period. I scratch my head and ask her "so, I have to get well, get off the disabled list at work and go back to work and then the next time I get disabled and can't pay my visa bill the insurance would take effect. " Without missing a beat she replies "yes, that would be the case. So can I have your authorization to set you up with this great plan?" I ask her if it makes sense to pay for insurance on a credit card to cover if I get disabled when I am currently disabled that isnt covered right now under said insurance. Reply: "but you get 30 days free to try out this great offer and with your authorization we can give you this great deal".

So, for her perseverance and dedication to pushing insurance on a credit card that doesn't cover someone that is currently in need of that insurance, I grant you the award for The Most Persistant Telemarketer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh no... a hernia! sounds painful, esp when you cough i suppose! i hope you get well soon......

11:38 PM  

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