Friday, April 27, 2007

women's town

How is this for a chuckle. I came across this little bit of news and, of course as it always happens with my twisted little mind, I started to consider little things that might happen there that would cause me to go 'huh???'. First of all:

Problem: married man is approached by woman on the street, he is ordered to have sex with her...does he comply and get punished from his wife, or does he deny and get punished from the lady???hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....I mean, the motto is that 'women are never wrong' so when the woman comes up to the married man and demands sex, well she is not wrong to be making this request, and 'men can never refuse a womans request', so technically for him to say no he is breaking the law. Of course, the man is just going to have to take the lesser of the two evils when it comes to punishment involved. He sleeps with the woman = divorce, loss of half his worldly possessions and possibly child/spousal support til he dies, or the woman remarries (if the laws there are like the laws here in Canada). If he doesn't sleep with the woman, dishes or having pain in his knees. Though, we all know the two sayings that 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely' as well as 'hell hath no fury than that of a woman scorned'. So we have a location where women, who might not have had dominance in the gender issue ever, are now in complete control AND they women have great memories for the men that have done bad things to them and they have this thing about finding someone that reminds them of that person and then taking revenge.

Though, personally speaking as a married man and having seen so many of my friends married and in relatoinships with women, having a town like this is like looking to find a day declared as 'kids day' as opposed to 'mothers day' or 'fathers day' cause lets face it, every day is kids day. I mean, men say that they are in charge, men may dream that they run the show and make the choices, but lets face it people, women hold the reigns no matter what. I mean, behind every great man in history there is a woman behind him, pushing and nagging him every inch of the way. Women may not do the actually talking in the decision like saying "we are buying this house" but they have their 'influence' that in the end makes the final decision. A litle giggle here, a little encouragement there, perhaps a little pout or gesture...or in the cases where the nice approach doesnt work, the 'look', perhaps the 'folding of the arms' or, in extreme dire cases, the 'tapping of the foot'. Think this is just a place where women dont have to be subtle or indirect in their control but can actually come right out and say it.

Women's town" to put men in their place
Thu Apr 26, 9:04 AM

BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese tourism authorities are seeking investment to build a novel concept attraction -- the world's first "women's town," where men get punished for disobedience, an official said Thursday.

The 2.3-square-km Longshuihu village in the Shuangqiao district of Chongqing municipality, also known as "women's town," was based on the local traditional concept of "women rule and men obey," a tourism official told Reuters.

"Traditional women dominate and men have to be obedient in the areas of Sichuan province and Chongqing, and now we are using it as an idea to attract tourists and boost tourism," the official, surname Li, said by telephone.

The tourism bureau planned to invest between 200 million yuan ($26 million) and 300 million yuan in infrastructure, roads and buildings, Li said.

"We welcome investors from overseas and nationwide to invest in our project," he added.
The motto of the new town would be "women never make mistakes, and men can never refuse women's requests," Chinese media have reported.

When tour groups enter the town, female tourists would play the dominant role when shopping or choosing a place to stay, and a disobedient man would be punished by "kneeling on an uneven board" or washing dishes in restaurant, media reports said.

The project, begun in the end of 2005, was expected to take three to five years to finish.


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