Thursday, August 30, 2007

Edmonton Councillors veto vote 11-1

Before fading off to sleep, I got a bit of a fuming chuckle at the stupidity that exists in the Edmonton City Council, being reported on the news. It was put to a vote for the public to vote on whether or not the Council should be getting their raises that they have been asking for...or I should be saying, telling the Edmonton taxpayer this is what they will be getting. Not a surprise that the motion to put it to public vote was 11-1 against. Kind of tells you the faith the councillors have in their work ability and how the people are seeing them do a good job, doesn't it? I mean, you put it to vote and you know that you are doing a horrible job, you ain't gonna get your money. You know you have done a fantastic job and have made a lot of people happy, you put it to vote cause you know you are gonna get the money.

One councilwoman was even put on TV saying that the council members work long hours, sometimes 60 hours a week, and those long hours and hard work mean they deserve a raise in pay. What I find funny is that the Edmonton council has passed many things in the way of waste of money on from a new sports colliseum, new art gallery and looking to spend nearly a million dollars on upgrading the "Welcome to Edmonton" signs around the city. Yet, the pot holes (AKA car traps) are running wild around the city, affordable housing is far from reach and people are tenting out in parks (the councils reaction? build up fences around the people and give them ID cards to get into the 'tent city'..oh yeah, money well spent there).

The only response I have to the female city councillor that said 'long hours means we deserve more pay" is "long hours mean nothing if you are giving us crap! I can go into a kitchen as a cook, spend 23 hours a day and give you burnt pancakes and a dry turkey. Doesn't mean I should turn to my boss and demand a pay raise saying I work so many hours. " How about the city councillors try something new for a change. Give us good quality work and leadership and not a bunch of quantity hours spent in the office thinking of many ways to flush Edmonton tax payers money down the toilet.

Pity I won't be around to throw my ballot in the direction of anyone but those that are already sitting on council. Hell, I would even consider running for mayor. I mean, if people are this fed up with Mandell and the bunch in the council chairs, they would vote in anyone just to show him that he can't run the city roughshod. I remember there was a 22 year old college student in Red Deer that ran for mayor once. Maybe that is what we need? a University of Alberta Political Science student to give it a go and show them what some new fresh blood can do in the system.
Council rejects public vote on pay raise

So much for a public vote on whether city councillors deserve a 13% pay hike.

In an 11-1 decision, civic politicians shot down a motion brought forward by Coun. Mike Nickel that would have seen the question placed on the fall election ballot.

That all but guarantees the raises will go through.

"I saw this as nothing more than a political gimmick on behalf of a particular organization," Coun. Michael Phair said yesterday.

"It was an attempt to undermine politicians ... That really appals me."

Phair said in a democratic society, people elect politicians to make decisions on their behalf, and that's exactly what happened in this case.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation had collected 2,700 signatures from Edmontonians over a period of a year demanding a public vote on the pay hike and perks package.

In order to force a referendum on the issue, about 71,000 signatures would have to be collected within a period of 60 days.

The petitions were presented to Nickel last week. He brought forward the motion to council late Tuesday night.

"Someone needs to get a dictionary and look up the word democracy," said Scott Hennig, Alberta director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. "Democracy does not mean a small group of people, once they're elected, get to do whatever they want."

Council last summer OK'd a boost to their pay and benefits, including a 30% hike in monthly car allowance and a larger RRSP contribution. While most of the perks have already kicked in, the raise takes effect Oct. 23.

Once it does, councillors will be making $72,000, with one-third of that being tax-free. The mayor's pay will rise 7% to $130,000.

City clerk David Edey said placing the question on the ballot would have cost the city $100,000 to $150,000 in advertising and related expenses.

As well, the result would not have been legally binding.

"The next council would have the discretion to pass it or not," Edey said.

Phair - who is not seeking re-election - said members of council are not overpaid. To drive home his point, at Tuesday's council meeting he produced a T4 tax slip. He said he made about $52,000 last year after taxes and retirement savings were deducted.

"That paid for my mortgage, and that paid for the payments on my automobile, and it paid for gas and electricity and food and all the other kinds of things people do.

"I don't have any trouble showing that's what it is."

Nickel was unavailable yesterday for comment.

Coun. Kim Krushell said a public vote on the pay hike wouldn't be worth the expense, especially because it wouldn't be binding. "I looked at all these facts and said, 'Why would I support spending more money?' "

She said voters ultimately will be able to toss city politicians out of office on election day if they disagree with decisions that have been made.

Mayor Stephen Mandel was not present for Tuesday's vote, but he's said he wouldn't support putting the question on the ballot.


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