Sunday, August 12, 2007

WWII Disney Propoganda Film

Found this little cartoon through various channels. I had to laugh while I was watching it, considering the portrayal of 'emotion' in the respective genders. Yeah, this may be a propogandist film, but I also wonder if people would call it extremely sexist.

Though after watching this clip, I went recalled the speeches and news reports that were pouring out on the USA and Canada during the beginning of the war long ago. Strange how Fear, Sympathy, Pride, Hate that was used as a reason why we should fight Hitler long ago are the same four ways that other governments use to justify every war and attack that exists. Guess when it comes to the battle between 'we' and 'they', THEY are always horrible evil men with words of lies and deceit, whereas WE are always pure and noble to battle to the end huh?

I think George Carlin said it best when he said "fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity".


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