Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Canadians in the news

It is always nice to open the paper and read your nationality in the news, isnt it? Kind of heartbreaking though when it is followed by "...have been detained on charges". Yeah, yet again, the do-gooders of Canadian life are making us look more and more like Americans. Only difference is that Americans look at a country and go "hmmm, they have human rights violations AND they got oil...we must invade to save the oi...I mean, people!" whereas Canadians just go "hmmm, I think those are human rights violations, gotta go in and protest cause that is what we do in Canada!". Problem is, easier to arrest two or three Canadians holding a banner than an entire American army with guns and tanks walking into your country.

Two Canadians were detained ( for being two of 6 activists in the 'free tibet' endeavor. Looks like they are reporting the others are being from the U.K. and USA. Hmmmm, is it just me or does it always seem to be the British or ex-British people that cause all the problems with activists and trying to 'make the world a better place'? I mean, if you ever hear that Iraq/Iran ever did a protest, it will probably include the words 'suicide' and 'bombs' and 'injured/killed'. Only the ex/British seem to go with the stupid banners and saying "hey look, they are hurting people here". I mean, China has occupied Tibet since apparently 1951 claiming it to be a part of China. Now, you think that in 56 years the human rights violations would have been seen by other countries. Not like all the countries of the world are now going to sit up and go 'my GOD! Tibet is under China rule! When did that happen!?!?! oh my god, we must do something now!". Not like China has been going "yes, beat those people. Surpess their will. Give them no freedoms....oh, wait, here comes another country looking over the border. Quick, happy! those prisons of mass torture..quick, let's take some Martha Stewart tips..make them look like guest houses..yeah, that's the ticket."

Now it seems a third Canadian has been detained ( Granted, the Tibetan-Canadian executive organizer of the Students for a Free Tibet. So, guess that would be a Tibetan by birth, Canadian by immigration. Kind of a half breed Canadian.

Anyways, gonna see if I can follow this story more. I heard in an interview with the sister of Price (one of the Canadians) that he has done something like this before, was detained but the Canadian Embassy stepped in and he was released. Gonna see if the Chinese have a better way of handling these 'terrorists'.

Glad to see that I am not the only Canadian that thinks the actions were on the slightly foolish side.

What do you think of the Canadians detained in China after calling for a free Tibet?
Foolish 6019 votes (77 %)
Heroic 1827 votes (23 %)

Total Votes: 7846


Blogger bobby fletcher said...

Why don't we righteous Americans/Canadians set a good example for the Chinese by reliniquishing our established statehood towards Native American Independence? First Nation Independence?

Of cours not, we are hypocrits. We want to keep our stolen land and demand Tibet Independence.

Proverb goes "people living in glass house should not throw stones."

Not sure if esteemed ABN is aware of the fact Students for a free Tibet is conntected with the Canadian government thru PM Harper's advisor Tenzin Khangsar:

2:10 AM  

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