Friday, January 04, 2008

Catholics cant use the name Allah..have to call him "the god that can not be named"

Ok, now this is only fair I think:

Apparently it has been ruled by a Malaysian court that a Roman Catholic newspaper can not use the name 'Allah'. My person favorite line came from Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Abdullah Md Zin in the article when he said "...the use of the word “Allah” should not be subject of public debate such that it will give the impression there there[sic] is no religiious freedom in this country."

Let me see if I get this straight. They shouldnt debate the use of the word "Allah" because it would give the impression that there is no religious freedom in the country, but they are banning the catholic church from using the word Allah. Hmmmm, so you are free to be any religion that you want, you just cant talk about other religions? yeah, if it quacks like a duck.....

Though I think that it is only fair that Catholic shouldn't use the word "allah". After all, it isnt like the Muslim church uses the name Jesus or Jehovah. Instead he is known as 'false god' or 'the god of the evil infidels that needs to be slain'. Of course, catholics, or any other religion except muslim, are often known as 'evil infidels' or 'targets' or 'soulless evil doers'. Guess we just just go back to calling the muslim gods what they have been called in the past "false gods".

Personally, I dont really care what who is called and why. Muslim's have the god Allah, Catholics have Jesus and God, Buddhists have Buddhists and when the religions are all peeled back to the bare bones facts, if you take away the customs and traditions that have evolved over the years, they are all pretty much the same. Love thy fellow man and be good to each other....and kill anything that is different than you are.


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