Monday, June 16, 2008

"what do you mean there was a cell phone beside me? didnt see a thing, lah"

Life span of a cell phone left unattended in Singapore: 30 seconds.

Life span of an umbrella left unattended in Singapore: 20 minutes.

Why is it in the country with the lowest crime rate per capita things go missing so often and people seem to have the prison mentality of witnessing things gone missing or thefts. Why is it unless you actually see them with the item in their hand, or the cell phone is ringing in their pockets, when you are confronting them with whether or not they have the item will Singaporeans fess up and give things back? Why is it when I ask about Singaporeans that have taken seats from others on the MRT, if they would take an unattended handphone (and not return it to the owner) and if they would scream out bloody murder if the waitress charged them twice for a drink but sneak out without a peep if they saw that the waitress forgot to charge them for a main course, Singaporeans always know of people that have stolen seats, hand phones or dinners. Yet when I ask for the good stories I hear scattered stories like "once, when I was in primary school, I gave back a coin that one of my class mates had dropped." but nothing for the present after the age of 7.

Does anyone out there have ANY stories of Singaporeans that actually return a cell phone or report a mistake in a bill that is in their favor? My wife accusses me of being 'too honest' cause I will actually return something that does not belong to me. No wonder I am leaving the safest country in the world with the lowest crime rate per capita to return to the 2nd largest country in the world with drive by shootings and muggings reported in the news every day. I am just too honest for Singapore, but seem to be just right for Canada.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have returned or pass to authorities handphones and digital camera thus far at food courts, taxis.
One main issue is that people forget where they leave their items or even the model and color or the person who took it are not there or did not take their taxi receipts. Which results in people being lazy to search.

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've once saw a young man switching seats from 1 side of the bus to the other (the bus was relatively empty), and unluckily his mp3 player dropped out from his pocket. The next moment someone who just boarded the bus took the seat with the mp3 player on it. Of course he decided to take that seat upon spotting the item, and in a flash he slipped the loot into his pocket.

I told the owner about it and he confronted the thief, who vehemently denied it. The elderly thief didn't even look like the kind who was into such high-tech gadgets. I was quite outraged, but well, perhaps it's finders keepers around here eh? Even when the owner confronts you with a witness...

3:28 PM  

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