Monday, May 15, 2006

think too much?

when someone tells you something, you can sluff it off as their own opinion. When someone else, who has heard what the first person says, says the same thing you can say that it is just them parroting what the first person has said. HOWEVER, when someone totally unrelated to those people and there is no possible way that it could have gotten to them, says the EXACT same thing, well then maybe there is something there to believe in, wouldn't you say?

I am not a hockey fan, I don't know the rules and really have a hard time telling the difference between a slap shot and a hat trick, but I do know an underdog when I see one. I cheer for the underdogs because, let's face it, no one else will. We all love our winners, we all love to say that we have cheered for the champions. Does anyone of those cheerers ever realize that perhaps the underdogs play just as hard but might be hindered by certain factors? This is why I raise my voice for the Ducks. It was my cheering for the Ducks, as well as my theory, that caused a lady in camp to look at me and shake her head and say, with a smile, "you think too much"

My theory, as to why I cheer for the Ducks is because of their name in hockey. Whereas Billy Shakespeare once penned "what is in a name, for a rose by another other name would still smell as sweet", people in the world seem to equate names with personality traits. People are proud of their names when their names reflect their personality, whereas if the name is not close to what they want, they are ashamed of it. This is what I feel is happening with the Ducks. After all, it seems that all the other hockey teams have names of power, strength and confidence. The Flames, The Oilers, Red Wings, Senators, Avalanche...all names that you can be proud of. These are names that if you walk into a bar and say "I play for the Red Wings" you are saying a name that has power, pride and a little bit of manliness to the name. A name that will almost always get a woman swooning and guarantee that you will get lucky that night. However, if you are a Duck and you walk into a bar and say "I play for the Ducks" you might as well be a man and walk up to a lady in a bar and say "hi, my name is Sue". Chances are high that you will walk home along that night. So, when it comes down to names, all the players on the Ducks must be playing for the love of the game cause they sure as heck aren't playing for the power of the name. That, in my mind shows true love for the sport of hockey.

Now I have been accused by my fiancee as thinking too much, I have been accused of my friends of thinking too much, but they have all had contact with one another and there is a chance that they heard one or the other say it and are just repeating what the other said. HOWEVER, this lady in camp could not have heard it since she hasn't met my fiancee or my friends. So, something tells me that there might be something there. hmmmm, wonder if I should take this to heart and consider thinking about it?


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