Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What is happening?

When I was a kid of 14-15 I remember doing little stupid things. I remember sneaking a few bottles of beer from my parents christmas party, taking them to a friends house and having a couple each then lying about where a couple of bottles went. I remember sneaking into the kitchen when my family had friends over that drank beer and taking the empty bottles of beer, filling them with water and then resealing them with the twist off caps and putting them back in the fridge and laughing when I heard the guests exclaim that they like visiting my parents because the beer never seems to run out. Then laughing harder when they took a pull of a nice cold beer and got beer tasting water. Then, of course, faking innocence when asked if it was me but sort of hinting that I saw my brother poking around the fridge. All these are fairly innocent and just joking crimes.

I then read an article like this:
and have to shake my head and wonder what the hell is wrong with kids these days that they go and do something like this! I mean, am I the only one here that is thinking that the kids are on a downward slide to stupidity when this sort of thing happens not once, not twice but possibly 7 times! I mean, where are the parents? if the bank robbery was successful and the kids came home with thousands of dollars, why werent the parents scratching their heads when the kids either walked in with a new TV and DVD with Playstation or even just had a bank account that was growing in the thousands by the day. IF the bank robbery wasnt successful and the tellers simply laughed at the kids, then why werent the police hunting them down and we hear about it on the news?

Personally I think that the robberies were unsuccessful. I am thinking that the youth went into the bank without masks. Have you ever tried walking into a bank these days in Canada with a ski mask or even a bike helmet on? You dont get a few steps before you have the security guards coming towards you and if you make it to the front counter, I would hope that the banks have enough security and sense to ask you to remove your mask before doing any transaction whatsoever. If not, then I really need to think about withdrawing all my money from the banks and burying it in my back yard cause it would be safer there. So, for the individuals to get to the teller and hand them the note, they had to have their faces clear, which means that unless they are a master of disguise and can make really good imitation faces, they had to have been seen on camera. So, after the first time they went to the teller, handed them a note, which I am thinking said something to the effect of "I have a bomb, give me all your money". When no weapons were shown, would a bank teller really hand over all their cash because a young kid walked up to them and handed them a note? I mean, I know kids are supposedly very indimidating these days and very persuasive writers, but come on now!

The scary part of this whole ordeal, is that with the way that youth justice has been going recently, these kids are going to get away with a few months in minimum security, if not just a juvenille detention centre, and then they will be out on the streets and when they turn 18 their record will be deleted and it will never have happened. Nice message that will be sent out to their peers and society. I hope that this is a sign to the justice system that we are getting a bit laxed in our dealings with people and that more responsibility for their actions needed to be paid.


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