Saturday, February 17, 2007

player snitch...

While I have had rather good experiences with internet dating, I know that there are some people out that that havent. Granted, I think my good experiences are because I really dont see any experience as 'bad' since you gain experience, information, life lessons and all that good stuff. Never have I left an experience and thought it was a waste of time or useless. Well, perhaps watching 'The Beach' with Leonardo DiCaprio, but that is another story.

Though, for those people that want to do double checking, there is this site out there:

It is rather a funny and cool site where you can search the name of a person or handle of the person from an internet site and see if anyone else has had a bad experience with them. Of course, I am sure you have to do a little bit of self evaluation since the person could have been a nice person but the one that is doing the report is a vindictive immature person. After all, no one likes to be jilted, and once they are jilted and if you are not mature enough to say "oh well, it wasnt meant to be" and move on but want to get your revenge or pint of blood, you will do pretty much anything to get your revenge.

Though, all in all, it is a rather amusing read to go through and see some pictures and people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy CNY to you also! hope that it's not too cold where you are.

8:46 AM  

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