Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Canada #1 Popularity!

Yeah! Canada is #1 in popularity. Was a little disappointed that only 12 countries were in the running but still YEAH Canada! Not going to put too much stock in it cause of the other countries that were in the list. Not to put the other countries down, but on a global scale, the other countries have had a bit more action in the whole global scale than Canada. Canadians seem to be more interested in picking on the local people (Inuits/aboriginals, immigrants, politicians, the down trodden in Canada) than those around the world. We haven't really attacked anyone (though have followed on the coat tails of some countries under the guise of 'peace keeping'), we haven't really taken any land or done anything really outlandish that would mar our reputation world wide (haven't done a nuclear test against the wishes of the world). Basically, we have just stuck to beating our own people and leaving the rest of the world to beat each other up. But, hey, we are #1 in popularity*G* kind of goes to show you, that an average kid can be a gold medalist in the Special Olympics*G*

Though one thing I found interesting is that the www.ctv.ca website has a survey every day that is usually related to a news story at hand. When the article came out saying that Canada was #1, they did a survey asking 'which one of these five countries has had the most positive effect world wide? Canada, Japan, USA, Korea, France'. the last time I checked the poll was still going and it had nearly 12,000 votes, and surprisingly enough, Canada had about 64% of the votes saying that Canada had the most positive effect. The other countries were splitting the rest of the votes very closely, so the decided winner was Canada. Now, what a surprise that is huh? glad to see that Canadians are humble as well. A Canadian survey actually suggests that Canada has had the most positive influence on the world. Wow, call me shocked and amazed on that one*G* I was going to wait to post the final results, but the ctv people have decided not to post the final results. Guess they sat back and realized that the poll was kind of biased and skewed and not really a good indicator. I mean, how many international people actually go to the www.ctv.ca website to do that voting?

but, regardless, glad to hear that we are #7 in tourism and #1 in popularity. Wonder on a survey of humility (which country is the humblest/has the humblest people?) would Canada come out as #1? though, gotta wonder, if Canadians all voted on that sort of thing, who would the Canadians vote for? if they vote for themselves, then they are not humble, and if they vote for someone else, then they are calling themselves braggards. Hmmmm, interesting question, would be interested to know the results of that one.


Canada tops world popularity poll, Israel is last
Updated Tue. Mar. 6 2007 8:20 AM ET
CTV.ca News Staff

Canada is ranked No. 1 in a new world popularity poll that looked at attitudes toward 12 major nations. Israel received the worst rating of the group.

The survey polled more than 28,000 people for the British Broadcasting Corp.'s World Service, asking them to rate 12 countries as having a positive or negative influence on the world. The countries on the list included: Britain, Canada, China, France, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, North Korea, Russia, the United States, and Venezuela.

Canada was viewed positively by 54 per cent of respondents while 14 per cent held a negative image.

Israel had the worst rating with only 17 per cent sharing a positive view of the country and 56 per cent with a negative rating. For Iran, 18 per cent were positive and 54 per cent negative.
The United States had the third highest negative rating with 51 per cent citing the country as negative and 30 per cent positive. North Korea had a slightly better rating than the U.S. -- 48 per cent negative and 19 per cent positive.

Japan and France followed Canada with the best rankings. Britain, China and India were all viewed more positively than negatively.

Meanwhile, Russia had more negative than positive responses while opinions on Venezuela were evenly split.

The 27-member European Union received a 53 per cent positive rating and a 19 per cent negative rating.

"It appears that people around the world tend to look negatively on countries whose profile is marked by the pursuit of military power," said Steven Kull, director of the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes, which conducted the research along with pollster GlobeScan.

"Countries that relate to the world primarily through soft power, like France and Japan and the EU in general, tend to be viewed positively," he told the Associated Press.

About 1,000 people in 27 different countries including the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, India, Brazil, Mexico and Australia were surveyed. As well, four predominantly Muslim countries -- Egypt, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Indonesia -- and two countries with large Muslim populations -- Lebanon and Nigeria -- were polled.
The respondents were interviewed in person and over the phone from November to mid-January.

Depending on the country, the margin of error ranges from 3.1 per cent to 4.9 per cent.

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