Thursday, March 22, 2007

dont have to be old, to make a difference

I was watching the news last night when there was a brief spot on about a 'mac and cheese dinner' that was being held by the ladybug foundation. Normally I dont listen to much about these sorts of stories cause it usually involves things like a $150/plate dinner and it is being held to support either the town council and their stupid raises or some other stupid thing (raising money to help lost hockey players who have received sports injuries and can't make their usual million dollar salaries). However, when it was mentioned that the founder of this organization was only 10 years old, I had to sit up and take notice. I mean, at 10, who here had founded a non-profit organization that has raised millions for homelessness across Canada? At 10 I know I was still enjoy summer vacations, swinging from tree branches and spending my time tossing grass bombs at the girls next door in the hopes that one would throw one back at me showing that they liked me. However, this little girl named Hannah Taylor has taken life by the horns, seen a problem and instigated a response to that problem. Definitely something to look into if you are serious about helping the homeless and seeing about putting some spare money that you have to good use. Check it out, if not for the homelessness, for the cool music that is on the website and insteresting read on it.

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