Saturday, March 10, 2007

I'll sue ya..that's what I'm gonna do!

Ever notice how we are getting more and more paranoid about allergies and sueing? I don't know if it is an international thing or just in Canada and the USA, but we have to put more and more warning signs on things warning people either not to do something stupid or to point out the obvious. I would say that "Weird Al" Yankovic has the right idea about why we have to put up these warning signs when he wrote the song "I'll Sue Ya":

Ok, now since I am not allergic to peanuts or any other item around, I am not really sure if you are allergic to peanuts if you can eat other nuts like walnuts, cashews and stuff. But, the other day I was shopping and came across a sign that read "Allergen Alert: The products below may have come in contact with peanuts or other nuts." Ok, now when I read that I thought to myself that it was a wise thing to put since listed on many chocolate bars these days where a company makes non-peanut chocolate bars as well as peanut ingredient chocolate bars have to put down a warning saying "this product may or may not have come into contact with peanuts or peanut oil". Stops people with severe peanut allergies to think "oh yeah, no peanuts in Mars bars, I can eat those". But then I looked down and saw what the sign was posted over. It was an entire row of bulk bins of nuts. There were cashews, peanuts, macadamias, walnuts and pistachios. Now, call me crazy, but if you are allergic to nuts or peanuts or just one type of nut, would you really think it was wise to walk down a nut filled aisle and think to yourself "oh yeah there is a divider keeping the peanuts (or the nut you are allergic to) away from the nut I want. Of course I won't get sick"? Is there any sort of common sense left in the world that a court of law might actually sit back and look at a guy and say "you did something stupid, you got hurt and now you are sueing the company for you being an idiot? get out of my face!"

I just wish I was more computer friendly (or actually carried my digicam around with me constantly) to have taken a picture of that sign and all to post on the blog for all to see. Hmmm, I wonder, can I sue Dell or Windows cause they make a computer or software that I don't know how to operate and it ruins my self esteem, or hinders my job advancement because of it????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always been fascinated how anyone can sue anyone in America for zillions of bucks. In S'pore, as you know, only politicians do the suing......

7:52 AM  
Blogger Capt_Canuck said...

yeah, it boggles my mind as well. And, 'politicians' in Singapore do the suing? don't you mean only one 'politician', or a specific famiLee, does all the sueing with a 100% success rate, while the others just get sued?

5:09 PM  

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