Sunday, May 20, 2007

out of the mouth of babes, and comedians...

I find it funny how sometimes the most amazing thought provoking things that ever come around are usually told not by the academics of the world, but from the people that you really dont expect it from. For instances, we all know the saying "out of the mouths of babes" right? and, while I do agree that some of the most mind boggling stuff has come out of the mouths of 24 year old drop dead gorgeous blonde women, the majority of the stuff is usually something that makes me scratch my head and go "damn, this woman may have all 6 cans, but definitely lost that little plastic thing that holds them together...but, she is hot", I think that saying about the babes is supposed to refer to babies. "kids say the darndest things" would fall under this caterogy. For instance, that old TV show that I still remember the one clip where the adult host asked the child to tell him about his book report he wrote for his grade 3 class on '20,000 leagues under the sea' and how his favorite part was when '..the giant squid attacked the submarine and wrapped it's giant testicles around the sub and squeezed and squeezed the sub...' The guy kept asking the little boy, between bouts of laughter to explain more, and this little boy went on and on about the 'giant testicles' and how they nearly crushed the submarine, until the captain ordered '..a lot of electricity be released which went through the squids giant testicles and made him release the sub.'.

But it is not just the children that you listen to that make you come to realizations about the world. It is also the comedians of the world, the great thinkers of this age that most people look down upon, laugh at and generally dont really care too much about. I was recently watching a 'Just For Laughs' clip on the comedy channel when a comic came up and, of course like all comedians are doing these days, started bashing George "dub-ya" Bush for the war started because of the Weapons Of Mass Destruction (WMD) that were never found. In his words:

"After the first week of the war, I came to the realization that there were no WMDs and the soldiers would never find any WMDs. Why? I am not psychic but I just figured that if they had WMDs, dont you think that they would have actually fired and used them against the USA? I mean, it isnt like we are talking about the good china that we only bring out for really special occassions and people...'oh yes, the Americans are attacking no no, put those WMDs away, those are for special occassions, not for this little ruckus', we are talking about weapons of MASS destruction here"

I have to admit, that out of all the years that this war has been going on, the fact that there were no WMDs ever found, I always sat back and thought "yep, knew they werent going to find anything there, that was just an excuse for Bush to go in and kick some butt". However, I never really sat back and thought about the WMD in that fashion.

So, out of the mouths of babes and free thinking comedians...the wonders will never cease.


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