Sunday, October 07, 2007

my racism shows

Yet again, I come to realize how racist I truly am. When I read this headline of racist graffiti in New Brunswick, of course my first reaction was "oh man, what did a caucasian do this time? hating the natives? the french? the chinese?" I read the article more and discovered that someone had put racist slurs of "white power and no black" on a poster and the next thought that went through my mind is 'great, the nazi/KKK whack jobs are up at it again' and visions of white sheeted caucasians with torches running through the streets of NB went through my mind. Then I get to the end of the article and come across the individual that they have suspected of doing these acts, a Mr. Chow Wang. Yeah, at that point I had to do a double take and scratch my head. Of course, to make sense of the world I had to try to ask myself why a caucasian man (either english, french, german, italian or whatnot) would be named Chow Wang but then it dawned on me, he is more than likely chinese.

My god, do you mean that us white folk dancing through Canada are not the only racist people in the world? everytime I have run across racism so outright and blatant, it has always been white against the world. Of course, seeing the glares and stares I get here in Singapore by the elders, I realize that there is a mild form of racism, but I didnt realize it was this outright. Has Canada become such a big place of hatred that we feel the need now to import other races to do our hatred for us? It would make some sense since we bring immigrants into the country to do the tasks that Canadians dont want to do like housekeeping, machine scrubbing and hard labour. So makes sense that we are now bringing in people to do our hating for us. This world really does need to smarten up and stop all this hatred and stupidity. After all, when the aliens come to Earth and humans are so busy fighting and hating each other, how are we going to band together as a unit to fight the aliens?

Racist graffiti suspect arrested in N.B.
Updated Sun. Oct. 7 2007 6:07 PM ET News Staff

A day after a national anti-racism conference at New Brunswick's St. Thomas University, Fredericton police arrested a man in connection with posters defaced with racist slurs.

The Fredericton campus was rocked recently by racist slurs scrawled across posters advertising a campus concert. In one instance, the image of a St. Thomas student who fled war-torn Sierra Leone was defaced by the phrase "White power and no black."

"I was shocked," said Andrew Sahr Gborgbor, a 22-year old student and musician whose image was vandalized.

Gborgbor fled war-ravaged Sierra Leone three years ago. The poster was promoting a concert organized to raise awareness and money to help bring his mother come to Canada.

Students gathering for the anti-racism conference this weekend told CTV News that the incident highlights the need for anti-racism education.

"It's a matter of respect and looking at our history as a way of teaching for the future," said Candace Slamon, National Chair of SHOUT, a student anti-racism group.

Campus security cameras provided police with leads that led to an arrest, said Constable Ralph Currie of the Fredericton City Police told CTV News.

"A 40-year-old male, Mr. Chow Wang, was arrested subsequent to our ongoing investigation into the two incidents that were reported to us," he said.

Jenni Stoff, National Program Coordinator for the Canadian Centre for Diversity said the incident is motivating.

"It makes us see first hand that the work we are doing is so incredibly important," she said.

With a report from CTV Halifax's Denelle Balfour


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