Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Ever have one of those days you really don't want to do anything? yeah, that is where I am today. I have classes later this afternoon and the material and all is intense and mind blowing and I really can't get motivated to read or re-write the notes. After class in the evening, I just want to curl up and sleep. So, yeah, am just procrastinating going down to the library to get some reading and stuff done. As well, with me not saying anything about any countries, since I seem to get in trouble and people get really racial here in Singapore if a white guy actually says a sentence that starts with "really? you mean that Singapore does...." and then talk about things that happen here that don't happen in the home country like Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) or discrimination.

Though I have been told that when it comes to renting places here in Singapore, I came about 6 months too late. Apparently about 6 months or more ago, you could rent a 3 bedroom HDB flat for $700/month but because of some reason or other, you can only get a shared common room for that and the three bedrooms are up in the $1300-$1600 range. Oh well, might just have to settle with moving in with a nice family and go from there. One thing though I have noticed is the difference in kids wanting to rent and move out. In Canada, I know of teens that run out the door at 18 to get their own place, sometimes even the parents physically throw them out of the house at 18 to get a place to rent and they find three buddies, find a 4 bedroom house for $2000, split rent evenly and they have a massive party house to enjoy and play in. The kids that stay at home til they are 25-35 are considered to be the throw backs and immature people, the momma's boys that wont be able to get a date because as soon as they say "yeah, I live with my parents" all the women go walking away. Here it seems natural and normal for a person to live at home til they are 30-35 and then they get married and move out. Guess that is the influence of limited renting, limited space and enjoying cheap room and board as long as humanly possible.

Been spending my morning watching useless crap like this video of Kristina Kireeva:

Ok, guys out there. I know what you are thinking cause it is going through my mind as well. For all the guys out there who claim they arent thinking perverted and sexual thoughts, yeah liars you are. I am sure that if a guy could bend like she could, they wouldnt leave the house cause they would just sit at home, watch tv and....bend.

Now, time to get moving I guess. Stop procrastinating and actually do some work. Guess I will head down to the National Library and see how many people I can spot sleeping under the signs that read "No sleeping in the library permitted". Saw about 5 of them yesterday in one tiny little area of 25 people and so wished I had my camera to take pics and post.


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