Saturday, September 22, 2007

new foods tried

Ahh, my little world has gotten a bit bigger. Normally, for the last 32 years of my life, when people have asked me "what do you like to eat?" I could honestly look them in the eye and say "I have no preference, I will eat anything" though I would prefer not to have spicey foods, I still would be willing to try one here or there to give it a go. However, recently with the Mooncake festival happening here in Singapore, I can not say that now. I have to say that I really don't like the mooncakes. I have tried the cooked ones from the store and I tried a homemade one that wasnt cooked (something about a snow skin?). BOth of these cakes have had the strangest texture I have ever eaten. The only time I have ever experienced something like that was when I ate a durian cream puff where my tongue was saying 'not too bad' but there was a part of my brain going "this is soooo wrong". Took me 5 bites of the durian puff to get that feeling, but it took me one bite of the mooncake to get that feeling. Oh well, they say that experience is the good thing that makes a person stronger and more worldly. Guess I was just caught in a rut eating the same foods over and over again and now I am experiencing newer foods out here in the wide wide world to expand my pallette.


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