Saturday, March 22, 2008

It will work out in the end...

If you love someone and you have the power, beyond any doubt, to know that the thing they are going to do will fail and they will find themselves hurt/dead, would you let them do it because if you love someone you should let them make their own choices?

I was thinking the other day, because of it being Good Friday and all, about the god of the Catholic religion since I am a born Catholic but atheist at the moment (and have been since I reached that tender age in life...the age of reason and common sense). I got to thinking about life in the Catholic/Christian eyes and all and if 'evil' will win or if 'good' will win in the end battle. Here is my thinking and rational.

People say that God loves people so much that he made them in his own image, gave them the ability to reason and make their own decisions for good or bad and, if they follow the good path, will be seated at his right hand to live in blissful love and peace for all eternity and if they follow the bad path, like any loving father, will throw you down into a pit of fiery hell to be punished and tortured for all eternity (but he still loves you).

However, they say that God is all knowing and all seeing, not just of the past and present but also of the future. I mean, how can you have someone that is all knowing of the past and present and not the future? If you know about the present then you knew about it coming up, didnt you? I mean, if you know all of the present, you know that it has to be happening almost before it happens or else it is the past, and if you are all knowing about the past, then that is really easy since everyone with enough time can read all the papers and memorize what happened if it is available to us. I have pulled that trick before with friends about knowing of the present when someone says "wow, did you hear this?" and I just have to say "of course...old news" even though I have no clue what they are talking about. So, bottom line to this thought is God is omnipotent as well as omnipresent all over the world/galaxy/universe and however much space you want to give him.

So he knows the end of the whole world turn around and all. After all, he knows all past, present and future. Now we add in the part about him loving people to the point of all that he has done for them. If you love someone and you know that what they are going to do is going to kill them, you don't let them go through with it. Hurt them, possibly since hurting heals and you move on with your life and you learn but kill them? You see your daughter looking down the barrel of a shotgun and going for the trigger, you don't go "eh..she will learn". You take the gun away, scold the child and spank her (Hurt her) for her to learn the lesson. You see your son having a smoke with friends and hanging out with bad influences, you scold him, counsel him, try to make him see the error of his ways and make his own decisions not to smoke or hang out with bad influences. God sees us messing with bad influences, he points out the bible, gives us some help through prophets and messengers to teach us the error of our ways (before casting us to the pit of fire and hellish torment).

So, if God knows that we are going to die and that 'evil' will win, why isnt he stepping in and helping out? He sees us looking down the shotgun barrel, sees us going for the trigger, and yet he sits back and goes "eh, they will learn" and we blow our heads off? not exactly a loving father would you say? If that happened in real life that father would be up on charges of neglect and if there are any other children of his still alive they would be taken away by social services instantly. So, the only possible outcome to this line of reasoning is that obviously we are going to have our ups and downs in the world but in the end, if there really is a God that does love us, all things will work out in the end for the better because we are not being told to stop. If things are not going to work out and we are all going to die a horrible horrible death and our souls, regardless of good or bad, are going to be tormented for all eternity, then that just proves that there is no god.

Flawed logic? Yeah, for the die hard believers out there, let me guess the answer...take it all on faith and God will show you the true way....