Friday, December 12, 2008

Canadians life expectancy is 80 years, obviously criminals are 40 years

Did Canadian life expectancy all of a sudden drop dramatically to worse than it was during the caveman days? I thought Canadian life expectancy was supposed to be around 80 years or so. Perhaps it is not the actual people that dont have the life expectancy but more the type of life that you live that have the life expectancy.

Perhaps it is this. I live a healthy and free life out of prison and I could live 80 years. If I break the law by doing drugs, rumbling in a gang, buying a gun and participate in gang wars and drive by shootings then suddenly my life expectancy drops down to perhaps 20-30 years of age? Figure either I get shot on the street, OD on the drugs or I go to prison and end up getting knifed by some guy named Bubba cause I refused to spoon with him after dark. Either which way, suddenly my life expectacy drops from 80 years of age to 30 years of age.

My wondering for the day is if that is the case, then how come when the courts decide 'life imprisonment' they are looking at the life span of a criminal and not the life span of a healthy law abiding citizen? I was reading in a news paper article today ( that the crown in the Jane Creba case (the one back in 2005 on Boxing Day where a group went on a shooting spree killing 15 year old Jane Creba and wounding 6 others) are going to seek an adult sentence for the youth that was involved. Not gonna go on a rant about the youth justice act and how you cant name the little welt on society but anyways. I was reading the first line that read "If J.S.R. is sentenced as an adult, he will get life in prison for the murder conviction..." and I was over joyed thinking, "great, lock up this kid for 40-50 years and teach him a lesson and send a message to the other youths in Canada that you can't just go on a shooting spree without consequences". It was the remainder of that sentence that had me re-reading it three times to make sure that I got it right "..with no parole eligibility for seven years." 7 years???? life imprisonment and he could get paroled in 7 years? what the heck is 'life' if you are going to be out on the streets in 7 years?

I know we are to treat people with respect and dignity and give them a chance to rehabilitate and come into society a new person with remorse and repentance...but 7 years????? You break the law at 20 so severly that you get a life sentence, you are going to live for 60 more years (according to statistics), that means even if you were to serve at least 1/3 of your present time in jail you would be in prison for at least 20 years before you can be released. That only leads me to believe that the Canadian justice system thinks that criminals have the life span of 30-40 years. On that case, a 20 year old only has 10-20 years to live in jail on a life sentence, so parole after 1/3 of their time is 3 (for the 10 years) or 7 (for the 20 years) years only. So, I guess this would suggest that the Canadian justice system thinks that criminals only live to 40 years of age.

I hope that this whole coalition and political over throwing ends soon, the Conservatives stay in power and smarten up and strike this whole parole based on a criminals life span and base it on the life span of a normal human being, since it is the normal ones that the criminals seem to like robbing, raping and killing.


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