Monday, September 01, 2008

relaxed? this is relaxed???

Ok, I had to laugh. Honestly I did. I mean, I read this article online in the news in Singapore:

New rules governing Speakers' Corner commence

I read this part of the article which read "The initiative comes as the Singapore government seeks to open up the space for political engagement in the country." Now, when I read this I figured "WOW, they are relaxing the rules, allowing people to speak their mind and demonstrate without a permit. First they allow for buying and chewing gum (as long as you have a doctors prescription and it is nicorette gum) and now free speech? wow!". Also people I know in Singapore were saying that there is some fear in that with the new relaxed rules that the park will turn into a nesting ground for chaos and disention and that perhaps the park will be held hostage by unruly type people like what is happening in Thailand at the moment.

At the end of the article I read that if you want to read more information about the 'new rules at Speakers Corner' you should go to their website at So, being the curious little Canuck that I am, I thought I would check out these new rules. I was surprised to discover that you have to still register to speak in Speakers Corner. So I went to the registry section, saw that I had to fill in name, NRIC number and all the particulars of what I am going to do (either a speech, performance or demonstration) and then there was a part that said I agree to the terms and conditions. So I clicked on that and was sent to the new rules (at least I think they are the new rules since there are a lot of stipulations). So there are 9 rules only. Let me give you a summary of them now:

1) your event is to be carried out in Speakers Corner at the commissioners permission. They can stop the event at anytime they feel there is a breach in the rules, conduct or feel that the event .."may endanger or cause discomfort or inconvenience to other park users and/or the general public."

Sounds fair. After all, you say you are going to speak about the plight of the common library book of today and you start juggling chain saws why you talk, definitly want to stop that from happening.

2) You have to obey the Parks and Trees Act (Cap. 216) and the Parks and Trees Regulations (Cap. 216, Rg 1).

Couldnt really find anything here but am assuming it is something like "you shall not dig up any trees; you shall not plant any trees; you shall not smoke, urinate, deface or deficate on any trees" and something in that nature. Also probably keep the peace, be of good behavior and dont streak around the park nude.

3) just dont destroy the park, hold your event during the time stated in your permission form and be respectful.

Hey, this isnt a rule, it is just plain good old common sense. Dont destroy public property, dont use a 100,000,000 watt sound system to speak but only a small hand held device, and if you break it you bought it sort of attitude.

4) Approved person takes responsibility for all liabilities that may happen during the performance.

Again, common sense. No company wants to take responsibility for the people there. You cant even get a parkade these days to take responsibilty for watching your car, that you pay to park there, and stop it from getting broken into.

5) you are exempted from the Public Entertainments And Meetings Act (Cap. 257) ('PEMA') only if you obey the rules set in 6-9 in relation to your event.

NOW it gets interesting

6) PUBLIC SPEAKING excempt from the rules if you are approved by the commissioner, you dont talk about religion or about something that may cause feelings of enmity, hatred, ill-will or hostility, you speak in any of the 4 official languages (or related dialect) and can not display anything of lewd, offensive or violent media.

Yeah, that sure gives a lot of leeway here huh? you can speak freely, just have to be approved before you speak. Good thing we dont have this in Canada since we only have the two official languages of English and French. If this was the case, no German, Italian, Chinese, Polish or even the aboriginals in Canada could protest or speak in public. As for feelings of hatred and ill-will, I thought that is what public speaking is for. YOu speak, people listen and if they like it they stay if they dont they leave. You mean I cant speak on abortion cause someone might have feelings of hatred or ill will against me for my opinion?

7) PERFOMANCE OR EXHIBITION Only Singapore citizens and Permanant Residents can hold a performance or exhibition, everyone in the performance/exhibition obeys the approval of the commissioner, organizer or agent is present at all times, does not deal directly or indirectly with any religious topics, does not have any topic that may cause feelings of enmity, hatred, ill-will or hostility between different racial or religious groups in Singapore and the usual no lewd or crude media displayed.

I guess these make sense. Dont want any foreigners coming in and speaking in Singapore. I am sure all places are like that. I can also see why the organizer or agent is there at all times. Have to have someone around to arrest and blame if the performance turns ugly. Definitly dont want the performance to be insulting to a racial group. I mean, I could just imagine the hell that would break lose here in Canada if a group put on a performance extolling good points on Hitler and that he had a good mission and was just misunderstood.

8) DEMONSTRATIONS all Singaporean participants, approved by the commissioner, organizer present at all times, does not deal direct or indirectly with religious matter and will not cause ill will and such and such with other racial groups in Singapore, no lewd and crude media displayed before, during or after the demonstration.

Yeah, same stuff from the previous ones. Nothing really new here huh?

9) Police permit is to be obtained if a PR or foreigner will be participating in any of these events.

Yep, gotta watch us foreigners. Nasty little devil we are. Our only mission in life is to get in and speak evil and nasty words to the good people of Singapore. RIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHTTTTT

So those are the terms and conditions. Now, all I really want to know is, if these are the relaxed rules that are now in effect, how anal were they before? I mean, damn! What can you honestly and truly say in Speakers Corner? Supposedly a guy protested that the Singapore gov't encourages people to do business abroad but gives no help when trouble is met. Ok, fairly safe since I dont see anyone really having ill will on that topic. The only feeling you might get out of that demonstration is "stop being a tried, you failed, what do you expect the govt to do about it? they wont even help with the rising cost of fuel, electricty and health care and you want them to bail you out of your job venture?"

I also noticed something strangely odd. I may be reading the whole thing wrong and all but if the new rules are to allow for people to talk more freely, then why is it you still need approval? You are excempt from asking for permission to speak but only if you get the approval and permission from the commissioner. Sooooo, I have the freedom to speak freely as long as I have been granted permission to speak? In what MM Lee world does that makes sense?

I think I can honestly say to my friends in Singapore that are worried that the park is going to become a hot spot for disent and become a hot bed of chaos in Singapore...relax. With relaxed rules like this now in effect, you are a long long way from having an open forum for open political discussion and demonstrations.

go green, ride the bus, cause it is too costly to drive

I think the gov't has to learn one little thing when it comes to being greener. If you want people to consider taking pubic transport, now is the time. Since prices are going through the roof on gas people might now start considering being greener and taking public transport. I like how people start considering using public transport not for the good of the Earth or help with the world around them but because it hurts their pocket book to drive a car. Granted, the gas guzzlers on the road these days with the trucks, SUVs and all dont help either.

What I dont get is that now that there is incentive to ride the transport, why doesnt the gov't really push money into that area to help people consider riding the transport. Granted it probably wont help with lowering the gas prices since the less people buy the more the prices will have to go up to meet costs and profits and all.

Unless of course the gov't really has no incentive to help people ride the bus or LRT. After all, the more people ride those services, the less money goes into the purchase of gas, the less money there is for taxes to the gov't cofers on the gas sold, the less big companies there are to give 'campaign contributions' to help get certain people elected. So, perhaps riding the bus and LRT is good for the Earth and people living here but bad for the gov't and politicians. Who wants to bite the hand that feeds them, or at least keeps them in power huh? Pity we cant get some eggheads now to help develope that electric car or cars that run on water or some other type of fuel that wont destroy the ozone layer.

Lack of public transit hurting Canadian consumers
Updated Mon. Sep. 1 2008 2:52 PM ET

The Canadian Press

OTTAWA -- Recent record high prices at the gas pumps have consumers looking at public transit as an affordable alternative to driving their own vehicles.

A survey put out by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Canadian Urban Transit Association reports consumers want to take public transit, but lack of buses and trains plus long waiting times are acting as a deterrent.

More than 40 per cent of those involved in the survey said they would seriously consider taking local transit if gas prices continue to rise.

The survey, released Monday, compiled answers from 1,100 Canadians and responses suggested a large increase in ridership, which could put a strain on an already over-extended system.

The groups in charge of conducting the survey said the federal government must put more money into these systems.

They also suggested the effect of gas prices on consumers will be on the minds of voters in the event of an election this autumn.