Friday, May 19, 2006

Now why didnt I think of this!?!??!

was reading in the paper again (I know, nasty habit I have been developing since I am finding that I was much happier and content with the world not knowing all the stupidity that was going on) and came across this interesting article about a student across the pond. ( Now, this is rather interesting. I first was reading it thinking "that is soo good! the school system over there is willing to accept a students sexual orientation so early in life, make arrangements and changes and allow that student to blend in so that they don't feel left out or singled out for ridicule by the system". However, it wasnt until I got near the end of the article and read:

"The official said the boy's name is listed with girl students, and that he is allowed to join the girls' gym class and use the girls' bathroom. The boy, who's in the second grade, wears a girl's swimsuit at the school pool."

that my male thinking mind kicked in and I thought "DAMN! why didn't I think of this when I was that young!?!?!?" After all, I have been told that when I was that young I was quite the woman chaser and matured rather quickly for my young age. At 7 I would have rather enjoyed changing with the girls, having gym with the girls (wrestling or other contact sports would definitly have been more interesting and would have held my attention longer) or lining up with the girls.

So, either this young boy/girl truly has been born into the wrong body and the system has been accomodating to the individual (which I applaud the system) OR the boy/girl has really hit across a fantastic scam and is pulling the wool over the systems eyes (which, I applaud the ingeniousness of the young individual). Either which way, hope that the system stays this open minded right through to college, cause it will make for the puberty years of the individual incredibly interesting*G*


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