Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Report-A-John in Canada

Looks like Edmonton has begun a new thing in the fight against prostitution in the city. The new 'report a john' campaign has begun. The basic idea is that this is a community watch program set up by the police so that the citizens who do not want prostitutes trawling respectable streets can report their 'unrespectable' business and make it so that the johns will not go near the area. Thus, like the idea of supply and demand, if there is no demand in a certain area, the supply moves to where it is needed.

Anyways, here is the deal. You are in your house/store/place of business or whatever, you see prostitutes mingling around (though, these days the way women are dressing, how can you tell a prostitute from a fashionable lady unless you walk up to them and ask?) and you are unhappy. You wait for a person to come up and talk to them, then you grab one of your handy 'report a john' cards that the police hand out, or you can download them online at "" You then fill out the particulars, hand it over to the police and they can either rush out to the person, find them, inform the spouses that this person was seen doing business with a possible prostitute, destroy the persons life and thus shaming men into not approaching prostitutes. After all, men approaching prostitutes on the street is an underground thing that only happens in the shadows, not in broad daylight. I also believe that the city counsel is also making known prostitution streets more well lite with extra street lights and lamps.

Problem with this however is that even the police admit that there is a lot of grey area in the whole prostitution thing. If you want to read up on it yourself, check out this site:

and see what is legal and illegal. Here are some key points: 'if a sex act is available but will cost the client extra and a discussion ensues about price for sexual services, and if the discussion occurs in a public place, then the john and the escort are committing an illegal act (i.e., communication for the purpose of prostitution -- s. 213). If, however, the discussion occurs in a private residence, no offence has been committed.' Note here that the discussion has to occur in a public place and price has to be mentioned. So, a guy goes up to a girl, girl says "how about a good time" guy says yes and she gets into his car, rolls up the window and they talk where no one can hear them, is that a public or private place? Or, if no one can hear their voice and hear that a price has been discussed, then how can you prove in a court of law that a price was mentioned?

I like the massage parlours. They can register themselves with the city, make it known that they are an adult massage parlour and can legally conduct business. They even go so far as to say that it is a certain price for a massage and will give you a 5 minute actually massage (though no better than what a girlfriend or wife will do at home) before conducting any sexual acts. Thus, they can say that it was not just for the explicit purpose of sexual acts, but it was a massage as well. It is also a private residence/establishment, done in the privacy of the room, no other people can hear the prices being discussed, therefore no offence has been commited.

Isn't this a wonderfuly strange world that we live in?


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