Saturday, July 01, 2006

bitter sweet update

The world is still a screwed up place, but at least there is some light at the dismal end of the dark and long tunnel. I posted a couple stories concerning how the justice system and people are turning into immoral monsters. The sisters that drowned their mother and made it look like an accident, and the ex-soldier that claimed it was Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that caused the rape of a 13 year old girl and he shouldnt be held to blame for it because he was in Bosnia. The verdicts are in and sentence has been past.

In the case of the two girls, it looks like they were found guilty and sentenced to 10 years (the maximum for a youth sentence) of which 6 will be served behind bars. While I still hold my belief that a youth should not be let off easy because of what they did since more often now youths are doing stupid and illegal things almost with the safe knowledget that their actions wont be made punished. I am going to resign to the fact that this might be alright. They got nothing in return for their actions (no insurance or inheritance), their family should now ignore them (would you take in your neices if you knew that they killed your sister for insurance money?), and they have to live with the guilt that they killed their own mother. So, that in their minds, starting a new life onwards should be semi difficult.

However THIS one, the case of the soldier that blamed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as to why he raped a 13 year old girl, has me shaking my head saying "WHAT WAS THE JUDGE THINKING!?!??!?!"

Dont think I can even comment on this one because the level of stupidity and all runs soooo deep through so many areas of the case that I have read that I would not know where to start. I mean, judge for passing the verdict, lawyer for actually taking this defence and accused for doing the crime and taking the defence. It is like looking at the Keystone Cops and how they catch criminals and then actually seeing these policing methods being employed in the real world. You just have to shake your head and wonder if the system will get improved in certain areas.


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