Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I just cant take it anymore....

Is the world truely going insane? have we lost all connection to sensibility and all? I look around and see strange things happening in the world today and wonder, are we meant to survive, have people lost all their marbles or have we always been this stupid but have always had a few smart people in power to slap us upside the head and say "grow up you idiot!"
I can't believe that people are using the tiniest excuse to avoid prosecution. It seems like everyday someone tries something new. A canadian soldier using post-traumatic stress disorder to try to defend himself against sexually assaulting and confining a 13 year old girl in Manitoba. Apparently he can not eat rice anymore because it reminds him of maggots on bodies and therefore is a totally different man than what he was before serving in wars, so therefore is not responsible for his actions? So, instead of doing hard time in a prison block, he is going to be put into a mental institute and cared for? isn't that something that should have been done before the attack and assault? I mean, you know you are depressed, you know that things are not normal (I mean, you stop eating rice because it reminds you of the war, you stop smiling, frowning or showing emotions...unless you are a politician, this is not normal behaviour) then isnt it either your duty, or the duty of others around you, to seek professional help? not like it wouldnt be covered under some sort of military medical coverage, unless of course the soldier was dishonourably discharged from the military for raping women overseas during duty or shooting innocent bystanders, in which case, dont think it is the PTSD that caused the assault. Mental illness, what else is it going to cover? it seems to be attaching to everything from real mental disorders to simple addictions.

I also read 2 days ago in the EdmontonSun (though I forgot to cut and paste the article) about a woman that is sueing a man for $350,000 for raping her in a stolen minivan. The man was caught and convicted and is serving time in prison for his crime. Ok, no problem, girl is hurt, cant work, looking for damages. Apparently she is claiming $250,000 in monetary damages for hospital, lost wages and all and then $100,000 for mental pain and anguish. Ok, $250,00o for hospital and lost wages is a little far fetched, but hey maybe she needed some serious medical bills covered plus psychological counselling since a rape is a horrible thing to go through and is not a wound that can be fixed with 2 stitches and goes away. But, here is the part that has me wondering "what was she thinking?" She has included the person who had his van stolen as responsible for the rape. The man supposedly left his keys in the minivan, making it easy for the man to steal it and if the man didnt have the minivan then the rape wouldnt have happened, so therefore the man whose van was stolen is responsible for the damages incurred. Try that one again???? I mean, if the guy planned it, gave the minivan to the person and said "oh you are going to grab and rape a woman in my van..sure, there is loads of leg room and here, a roll of duct tape to help secure her. Let me show you the best places to do that in the van" then yeah, the guy is to blame...but to have his van stolen means he has no real control over what the van was to be used for. Not like he planned it or anything. Though, I can see some lawyers and judge out there making it happen and since there is precedent that if a person does not secure a possession and someone is hurt, they could be found jointly liable. Like, if I had a wagon full of wood and was taking it home and a log fell out of the back onto the road and someone drove along and hit it and fell off their motorbike and broke their arm, I was responsible for that load, caused a problem and a person hit it and was damaged. So, a man fails to secure his vehicle and it is taken and damage is caused, some brain dead person could say that it is fitting and therefore make the owner of the vehicle pay.

Now we have 17 terrorists on Canadian soil being tried and the muslim community is screaming that they won't get a fair trial in Canada and that it wasn't a terrorist plot, even though one of those arrested had their lawyer read out in court that his personal goal was to behead the prime minister. Now, in this day and age, terrorist attacks really are not becoming anything new. Seems to be the fad and rage this day. Have a problem with a country? infiltrate it, be friendly, smile, hell even get military and weapons training in that country (as one of the accused and then stab them in the back when they are not looking. So, to hear that there was a terrorist plot on Canada (and apparently 12 other attempts have been foiled by RCMP and CSIS) is no big thing. What gets me though is that 2 of the 17 caught are young offenders and can not be named under the young offenders act. Ok, now call me crazy and a little out of control here, but you are caught with 3 tonnes of explosives, detailed plans on how the attacks are going to be carried out, even have a few of your co-horts say they were going to blow stuff and behead the leader of the country, kind of takes away the whole young offenders aspect of it doesnt it? and then they are saying that there is going to be a bail hearing? my personal view? have a bail hearing since it is only right to give the person a chance to have a bail hearing to get their freedom because to deny them that would be to deny them a human right. But,if the judge decides to give them bail, make that bail equal to the national debt for each and every one of them. That way, if they all make bail and then dont show up to court, at least we have paid off the debt 16 times over and have enough in the national treasury to pay for the military to stop terrorism in Canada.

I mean, will the madness end? what caused all this madness in people? is it the water we drink, the food we eat or just too much freedom going to our heads?


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