Wednesday, May 24, 2006

See, we are screwed up!

I came across this rather interesting article the other day from Amnesty International about some reports done on 150 countries. ( This is the report done on Canada. Here I thought that we were such a nice little nation, solving our problems and being kind, considerate and peaceful to others. Little did I know all the horrors that are lurking in the cities across this huge nation.

Violence against indigenous women : "High levels of discrimination and violence against Indigenous women continued" I always figured there was high levels of discrimination but not against indigenous women, but more in favor of the indigenous women. We have our own little brand of discrimination when it comes to the indigenous people, and it is called 'affirmative action' which means that when a First Nation individual and any other human being applies for something, the job will be favoured for the First Nation unless there is something totally against hiring them. A First Nation applies for a job as a brain surgeon and they only have a grade 10 education, there is a high chance that they wont get it. A First Nation applies for a job as a secretary and can only type 34 works per minute and the only office experience that they have is talking to secretaries, and another human being applies that can type 100 words per minute and has about 10 years of indepth office experience and a diploma in office management, then there is a high chance that the First Nation is going to get it to keep the status quo. Though, it was reported that "police responses to threats against Indigenous women’s lives were inconsistent and often inadequate" Perhaps the reason the police are inconsistent to the reponse of threats is because they happen so bloody often. The women will call up the police and say "My husband is drunk and trying to kill me" so the police go out to the house, grab the husband, take him to the police station, charge him with attempted murder or assault only to have the wife say "he was just kidding, I didnt mean to call you guys, now charges, thanks for sobering him up" and then goes back home with the guy so that he can do it again in 2 days time. Alcohol doesnt even have to be a factor, all that has to happen is that the women call the police at the tiniest thing and then DONT LEAVE THE HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND! Could be a case of crying wolf once too often.

I won't go more into detail because, like the saying goes "best to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt" (though I think that is a little late by now, dont you?). But it seems that the majority of our problems is in the grey area of friendly relations with other nations. A person commits a crime or somthing in another country, comes to Canada and then says "refugee, protect me from my horrible country" and then expects Canada to welcome this new comer with open arms and say "dont worry, we shall fight and protect you against the evil country that you call your, have huge sums of money to set up camp in Canada".

While I agree with helping out those in need and protecting the innocent from atrocities around the world, there has to be a limit as to what we can and can't do. We can protect you against the horrors of life in Canada, we can't protect you against bringing you to justice in another country for another crime in that country because who are we, Canadians, to pass judgement as to what is right or wrong in that country you are from?

Interesting read though, this report...if you are not interested in Canada, go there and check out the other 150 countries they report on, see how your country is doing.


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