Tuesday, April 03, 2007

to lie, or not to lie, that is the question...

As a man, did you ever have that dreaded question of "do these pants make me look fat?" or what about "oh, do you want to go and see the new chick flick that has been released?" Now, the real answer is going to be somewhere in the lines of "trust me honey, it is not the pants" or "chick flick? nah, how about we go to a movie that is actually interesting". However, we all know that the answers you should come back with are in the lines of "of course not honey, you look gorgeous in those pants" and "chick flick? oh man, I never thought you would ask, lets go tonight!". However, women constantly ask us to be honest. Interesting, isnt it?

While talking to my friends, we all seemed to share a rather interesting thought and, as what always happens when guys get together and bang their heads together hard enough, we developed a rather interesting idea. It seems that when asked of their girlfriends/SO/wives, the common thing mentioned is that in a relationship women always want honesty and sincerity. When I did a quick look with online articles later, I found a few mentions of this fact like in the one article on www.askmen.com that read "Sincerity and honesty ranked high and were the most requested character traits desired in men. "I don't want anymore bull from men. No more 'it's not you it's me' crap. I want the truth. I want the guy to be open and honest about his feelings with me," explained Sarah" (http://ca.askmen.com/dating/heidi/18_dating_girl.html) Granted, she did say that she wants honesty and sincerity when it came to the mans feelings towards her, which kind of leads it open to suggest that she wants lies and half truths when dealing with thoughts about her fashion sense, friends, family and other ego slamming items in her life. However, when it all comes down to it, I seem to see a rather interesting trend that suggests that women want men to be truthful and honest in the relationship.

Funny how when it comes to cosmetic surgery and make up fashion, women seem to be the leader in using these items and medical advances. Interesting how in Canada, "85.41% of all cosmetic procedures are performed on women in Canada, 42% of whom reside in Ontario." (http://www.plasticsurgerystatistics.com/number_performed_canada.html) For more statistics on this you can go to http://www.plasticsurgerystatistics.com/quick_facts_03.html. Funny how women appear to suggest that they want honesty in a relationship and for men to be sincere and show our true selves, but when it comes to themselves, women will go to extreme lengths to hide their true forms and faces. Have you ever walked around a drug store or seen beauty salon products in spas and such? I mean, I walk into my local drug store and I can see maybe 2 aisles (if you put them all together) of masculine products (pit stick, toothpaste, shaving cream, after shave and such). Then there is the usual aisle for female necessities (pads, tampons, female cleansers) that really I will admit are needed by women for their biological needs as opposed to cosmetic needs. That leaves about 3-4 aisles of completely cosmetic items like shampoo, gel, conditions and the one complete section devoted completely to make up and all the tiny nazi torture device items (tweezers, pluckers, curlers, files, clippers) that women have in the bathroom.

Even looking at a married couples medicine cabinet will give away this uneven playing field of products. A couples medicine cabinet might have 1/4 dedicated to medicine, 1/8 dedicated to mans needs (basically a can of shaving cream, aftershave and toothpaste) and the rest of the cabinet is filled with make up and other devices. Look at a house that is being occupied by an all male population as compared to an all female population. I have stayed at friends dorm rooms that were all guys and you would have probably 3 bottles of shampoo, 3 conditioners, 4 toothbrushes and 2-3 tubes of toothpaste (there is always the one moocher who is going to buy his supplies 'tomorrow..honestly guys' and 'borrows' some of the items til he can). There might be a can or two of shaving cream and a few razors but that is pretty much it. You go to shower in an all woman bathroom and you cant find a single space free surrounding the tube cause they are filled with bottles and bath products because the hanging device to organize these items is filled with other items as well. I mean, it is a relative smorgasborg of products that all women 'have to have'.

So why is it that when it comes to relationships men are expected to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, when women are constantly lying to their man about who they really are? After the liposuction, lip collogen, make up, clothes, hair products and all are applied, what are we really dating? a true woman or the image of that woman that they want to project? Then what happens when they stop lying to the guys and stop putting on all that make up or going for the liposuction and other medical advances, who are the men left with?

So, why do women do this? perhaps it is for the same reason that men lie in a relationship. Men lie to make themselves more appealing to the ideal image that women want, or society has created for men to be. You have all seen the men that women lust after in the movies. Romantic, suave and sophisticated knights in shining armour. Either they are caring, sweet, sensitive and career minded go getters that know what to say, how to say it and make the world revolve around the woman. We all have our own little fantasies of what the person we are settling down with is going to be like, and we might unknowingly condition the other person to be that way. So, men try to lie in a relationship to make ourselves more like those movie/book heros of sophistication and knowing what to say and how to say things perfectly. So we will lie when we are asked if you look fat in those pants because we are diplomatically charming, we will say we want to see that chick flick because that shows that we are sensitive and caring. Just as when it comes to women, women will put on their make up, do the medical alterations and change their outer bodies completely to fill in the roll of perfect female that they think men want.

Dont get me wrong, I am all for body hygene and upkeep. Shower or bathe, clip your nails, comb your hair and keep healthy. I find nothing more attractive then seeing my wife dress up or wear her hair the way I like to please me. I just dont like it when women seem to fall back on the 'men are all liars, women hardly lie'. That, to me, is like a smoker saying "damn, I hate those filthy litter bugs" as the flick a cigarette butt out the window of a moving car onto the street. We all lie in a relationship, we just lie in different fashions. Men might lie to improve their inner image to women to make them more appealing as mates, whereas women lie about their outer appearance to attract mates. In the end, regardless of inner or outer, we are all lying and deceiving others around us.


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