Monday, April 02, 2007

Why this man doesnt ask for directions

Ok, maybe it is just me, but here is why I dont ask for directions. It seems the whenever I go into a gas station/convenience store and ask for directions, or ask for directions in any fashion, I always get the most detailed directions for going 5 blocks, but for anything over that it sort of gets glazed over.

I asked for directions once how to get to a bar from a gas station and the girl proceeded to give me the most indepth directions that you would ever need. I mean, she didnt just say "go left on this street, down two blocks and hang a right and it is on your left". I got "take this road out to that exit from this parking lot, hang a left and get into your first lane. Drive for roughly 2-3 minutes and you will pass two lights, a school cross zone and there will be NAMED mall on your right and the Esso gas on the left. Go...." and on and on and on. Not just from one girl, it seems every time I ask for something within that distance, those are the directions I get.

Then when you ask for directions to another city or something that takes more than just 1 minute to drive to, the directions get so vague and all that it is aggravating. I asked for directions from one city to another and I get "go out here, hang right, go straight to highway and go straight". Makes it sound easy doesnt it? yeah, until you get to the point where after you turn right and you go straight you pass by about 5 turns and the highway that you want goes either right or left, and if you have guessed right on that, there are usually other turns or you have to turn left or right before the highway that the person forgets. It always happens. Then when you ask for clarification, or you repeat the instructions back and ask questions like "ok, go straight to the highway, is that a left or right at the highway?" you get a blank stare, followed by a sigh and then they repeat the same vague directions again and again until you finally nod and walk out the door.

So, now when I have to go anywhere, I buy a map of the location and go with it. This would also explain why I have a wide assortment of maps of not only my area but also the province to the left and right of me. I have maps of nearly every city I have driven in as well. So, is it just me or is this why men dont ask for directions as well? is it because the stupid answers that you get or is it because, being a man, having to ask for assistance diminishes the male ego of dominance and superiority?


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