Monday, May 21, 2007

Lesbian inmate attacks guard, smashes appliances and hurls racial slurs

I guess this goes to show, that even though you may be against the world and society may say that your love is wrong, even walking down the aisle together and putting it legally on paper that you are going to be together forever, you are not immune to fights and abusive relationships. When you read this news article, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? is it "I agree with the guards, it is their duty to watch the criminals, not play marriage councellor to their abusive relationship!" or possibly "the insensitivity of the Canadian penal system amazes me. These two women get married and now the prison guards want to put them in separate blocks!" or possibly you took the route "another obvious case of homosexual discrimination. The guards were just looking for an excuse to break up a couple because they are homosexual women!". Personally, my head snapping knee jerk response of "WTF!?!?!?!" came from this one bit of info:

"After a verbal spat shortly after their wedding, one of the women - and another inmate - smashed up a washer, dryer, microwave oven, fridge and stereo in her cell block. Two windows were also broken, Grabowsky said. "

Follow my thinking here. The guards get attacked, and verbally assaulted with racial slurs, by a woman and that woman is not being transfered so the guards want out of a maximum security cell block. So wouldnt that imply that the married inmates are in the maximum security area since that is where the guards want out of. So, in a maximum security cell block... why the HELL do inmates have a washer, dryer, microwave oven, fridge AND stereo!?!?!??! According to another article back in January one is serving a "..34-month sentence for breaking and entering, assault with a weapon, and aggravated assault and is scheduled for release on November 18, Sears said. The second inmate was jailed for six years for manslaughter, assault, and assaulting a peace officer. She is scheduled for release on December 6." (

Now, call me barbaric, call me a neanderthal, or just call me backwards, but my idea of punishment for those sorts of crime is to be put into a cell with a mattress and a toilet where you stay for 8 hours of sleeping, 1 hour for breakfast, 1 hour for lunch, 1 hour for supper, 6 hours in the 'yard' under guard (yes, even in the winter...give them coats and make them stay out in the is punishment, not a vacation) for their exercise, then the remaining 7 hours in the cell or walking back and forth from these places. I mean, these two didnt steal a candy bar from wal-mart, they broke the law, assaulted with a weapon, aggravated assault, manslaughter? Why the heck do people with those sorts of crime have easy access to a washer/dryer/microwave oven and a stereo? Washer/dryer in a maximum security should be a large facility in the basement where inmates go and do laundry duty. Stereo? you have got to be kidding. Like I said, this is prison for a crime against society NOT club med/day camp for 'misunderstood women'.

The other thing I am wondering is if the ones that attacked are going to get charged with 'destruction of public property', assaulting an officer and the ever popular 'hate crime'. I mean, you scream out racial slurs while beating on a person, that pretty much makes it a hate crime, right? Obviously these women have not been rehabilitated and need more councelling in the big house before they can be released.

Con you believe it!
Lesbian inmate attacks guard, smashes appliances and hurls racial slurs


Prison guards want a lesbian couple separated after one of the women went ballistic, attacking one guard, hurling racial slurs and smashing appliances.

Correctional Service Canada has refused the transfer, prompting 14 guards to ask for a transfer out of the maximum-security unit at the Edmonton Institution for Women.

Guards say the inmates' behaviour stems from a stormy marriage - the first same-sex union in a women's prison - they warned would cause problems.

"Everything I said at the time is coming true," said Union of Canadian Correctional Officers Prairie region president Kevin Grabowsky.

"This is just wrong on so many different levels. Together they're a problem. One's a constant problem and she's like the dynamite and the other's the fuse."

The same-sex couple has endured a stormy relationship right from the get-go back in January, when they tied the knot, Grabowsky said.

After a verbal spat shortly after their wedding, one of the women - and another inmate - smashed up a washer, dryer, microwave oven, fridge and stereo in her cell block. Two windows were also broken, Grabowsky said.

Weeks later the married pair got into some fisticuffs and one of them suffered a swollen eye. Shortly afterwards, the inmate screamed racial slurs at a guard and slammed a door shut in the face of another.

She repeatedly hurled slurs at guards.

"No one should have to go to work and put up with that abuse," Grabowsky said. "The staff are fed up. They've had enough. This is something we've been trying to resolve.

"I think they're stunned by the decision not to transfer."

He said CSC has provided the couple with counselling but that has not calmed either inmate. Fifteen guards are assigned to the maximum security unit at the Edmonton Institution for Women.

Within days of hearing the refusal to transfer the woman, 14 guards asked to be taken off the unit, said Grabowsky.

A report had earlier recommended the inmate, who wasn't identified, be transferred to another jail.

Correctional Service Canada spokesman Jeff Campbell said he couldn't comment on the inmate's transfer.

Those decisions are made by jail officials and not central office, he said.

Nonetheless, Campbell said CSC places a top priority on safety for guards and inmates.

"We regard personal safety as a priority," said Campbell.

EIFW warden Gary Sears could not be reached for comment.


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