Saturday, June 23, 2007

legal drug induced mind wanderings

Now that I am sitting at home, flat on my butt, pumped up with mild drugs, strange things have come to my mind that make me think. Like...

Ok, they found out that mercury liquid will shrink or expand based on tempurature. But, how did they know how to set the thermometer? I mean, you can put the mercury in the glass tube and see it rise and fall as the tempurature gets hotter and colder, but how did they know where to put the line for zero or other degrees? Not like the scientist at the time sat down with the first thermometer and said "right, water freezes at 0'C, so we will put the line here...and of course, that would mean water boils at 100'C, so *after sticking the thermometer into a pot and noticing when it first starts to boil* there is 100'C" and then make equal marks up and down the thermometer. Or, perhaps he did, to which case then perhaps they measured incorrectly and in fact, water boils at 50'C and we have too many degrees up and down the dial. Then what about the fahrenheit scale? what caused a person to sit down and go "right, water freezes at 32'F and steams at 212'F"? not like they are starting and ending points like celsius, they are mid points. But, again, it all comes down to the point at how did the scientists know where to put the marks on the thermometer?

Also, with the increase of plastic surgery and little things to help improve our bodies and looks, will there ever be a time when ugliness will be totally eradicated or will there always be ugly people? I mean, right now, people can say "my nose is too long and I am ugly, so I will make my nose look better" or straighten their teeth, liposuction to lose weight, breast implants to increase bust size. Some scientists say that beauty is actually trying to get a symetrical look to the body. If one of your eyes is lower than the other, or your ears are at a different angle, then you might be considered ugly. For instance, hunchbacks and rejects in myth and fiction are always portrayed as being uneven and definitly unsymetrical so they look ugly. Well, with the plastic surgery, we can remake our bodies completely so that we all become perfectly symetrical, perfectly balanced, perfect looking. In that case, will ugliness be totally erased from our minds, or will ugliness still exist, just in a relative fashion? And, if ugliness is totally erased and beauty reigns supreme, does that mean that personality will then be taken as the only way to find a mate? in which case, does that mean that the world is really in trouble?


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