Monday, May 28, 2007

Pirates 3 - 3 arrrgh mateys of 5 arrrgh mateys

What to say about Pirates 3: At Worlds End. Hard to put it into words considering on one hand I can say that it was obviously an entertaining and interesting movie, but on the other hand I have to say that it was as confusing as hell.

The first piece of evidence that puts in favor of it being a good movie is that I really didn't notice the 3 hours that the movie was and it couldnt have just been because of the special effects. For instance, in all of the Lord of The Ring movies, I felt every single second on my ass (which went numb after the first 45 minutes of the movie and then alternated between numb and pins and needles) and that was a three hour movie and the special effects were quite specatular, there was no doubt about that. When it came to the Pirates, I walked out of the theatre amazed that the time had past so quickly and all. I must have been able to find enjoyment in the characters, the writing, the plot and storyline since LOTR taught me that special effects alone can not make my ass from going numb while watching a movie but you have to have actual substance to the film. The characters were still amusing and laughable, the situations that they put themselves in were still amazingly simplistic and yet enjoyably complex at the same time.

What made it so bad? the huge problem I had keeping track of all the deals made, broken, remade and rebroken throughout the whole movie. About halfway through the movie I gave up trying to figure out what was going on and keeping track of who was backstabbing who for which gain and just said "right, entertain me and blow some stuff up while you are at it". One friend of mine, when I said this, made the comment that they were pirates, so they werent supposed to follow the deals, and yet commented on their honour as pirates. Personally, I am of the thought that the pirates are really really stupid and trusting to think that any of the people that they are making deals with are going to uphold their end of the bargain. In real life consider this. You catch an employee stealing money from your business, you threaten turning him to the cops, he says "let me go, I will be your mole and bring you many more people stealing from your business", you let him go, 1 week later you find him stealing money from you again. Now, how many times do you hear the deal "let me go and I will bring you more people stealing money from you" from him before you say "you have got to be kidding" and call the cops? I mean, if you say 'fool me once, shame on you: fool me twice, shame on me', what do you say when you are being fooled by the same people 5-6 times in a row? who gets the shame then, or does it just make you more and more of an idiot?

The one thing that I do regret is not sticking around til the end of the movie, past the credits, because apparently there is talk that there is a scene past the credits that is supposed to give insight into the film itself and possibly about the Flying Dutchman. Now, I havent spoken to anyone yet that can confirm or deny this, all I know is that I am not really wanting to spend another $13 to go and see this movie again just to watch 30 seconds past the credits. Not that it was a bad movie, just that it wasnt really worth a second viewing. Usual Suspects, Sixth Sense, V for Vendetta and My Best Friends Wedding...THESE were movies worth multiple viewings. Pirates: At Worlds End, not worth mutliple viewings.

Though I would like to ask anyone that possibly reads this, please, am I the only one these days that find the scenes at the end of the movie credits to be incredibly annoying? I mean, yes there has to be a way to keep people in their seats to watch the credits so you can read who the 'gaffer' was, or perhaps read who caterered to the star, or who did the wardrobe for the gaffer who was associated to the caterer for Depp, because now that movies are getting more and more complex they have so many people working on it that credits last 7-10 minutes and no one wants to be bored watching and reading them all. Not like in the old days when credits were 30 seconds because there was basically the main stars, producer, director, organist and one camera guy. Now there are more people than you can shake a stick at and they ALL have to be mentioned. So by putting a 30 second bit at the end of the credits, people are forced to sit through the credits, listen to the background music and wait. So it might be a workable tool, but in the end, freaking annoying. Put the scenes before the credits, roll the credits and that is it. If movie people are so anal about having their names read, why dont the movie people just contract the theatres to lock all their doors so that no one can leave until the movie is done, thus forcing us to read everyones name so we can pat all the 'little people' who brought us these great, super long, butt numbing movies. But, hey, that is just my little rant on the whole movie process.


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