Thursday, June 07, 2007

what have you done for!!?!??!?

I was listening to a comedy routine (I know, all my thoughts seem to come from comedy routines and not really readings) the other day and one comedy mentioned that to make a marriage/relationship work, you have to provide reassurance to your loved one that you find them attractive and stimulating. Even something mentioned in passing in a talk show mentioned that with sexual relations in a relationship waning into the evening years, it is not that the woman needs sex as a form of sexual gratification but more a reassurance that her husband finds her sexy and desirable.

Why is it that women seem to have such great memories for fights and disagreements in the relationship past, but when it comes to reassurance of their desirability or attractiveness, or even the love of their husband, the men constantly have to say it again and again, or do many actions. I mean, I get the feeling that in some relationships a guy could climb the tallest mountain, do death defying acts, obey every single tiny whim of the object of his desire right down to gross acts to huge momentous acts over a course of a year and then, after he has completed the tasks and sure that the woman gets the fact that 'yes, he loves you!' she turns to him the next morning and says "you left the toilet seat hate me dont you? you think I am disgusting! you left the seat up 2 years ago! you obviously have no respect for me!" Why cant women keep that sort of memory for the good of the relationship and not the bad? why cant women say "you gave me flowers 2 years obviously love me" instead of "you never compliment me on my hair cuts in the 3 years I have known you, and you didnt notice the 1/8th of an inch I cut off my bangs this morning. You never pay attention to me and take me for granted!"?

Though, I guess if women werent like this (tempermental, confusing, selective memory), we would call them Alhandro and they would be gay men, right?


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