Monday, July 09, 2007

CNN reporter is 'skeazier' than porn webmaster

I came across this clip:

Now, call me crazy, but for some reason I hold more respect for the 'skeazy' webmaster in this clip than the CNN reporter. I mean, I always thought that a reporters job is to dispassionately report the news. Here this interviewer takes it personal and to a different level. Actually saying that the guy is skeazy, calling him a loser? Something tells me that the producers forced her to take this interview and didnt let her pick and choose it. While I may not agree with the webmasters site, or even condone pornography and all, the irresponsible and disrepectful behavior of this reporter has me really doubting the credibility of Fox News. I mean, if they say "We report, you decide", then shouldn't they actually enforce that on the reporters and instead of them just making rude comments to the people they are interviewing, why not actually find out the facts and give that out. All we get is 'police, parents dont like it...' and then 3 more minutes of bashing him and calling him a loser.

Definitly poor reporting and extremely poor professionalism.


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