Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Do I need to re-evaluate my position in life?

Normally I write about things that other people do that make me scratch my head and go "mmmmmm". Like, for instance, the lady that has been in camp here for 3 months now that keeps putting her cup in the wrong place when going to the sink. Let me explain. We have a little window where you walk up to, put your tray on the ledge, throw out your trash and waste food into the bins beside the window on your side, put the plates on the sink counter when you reach through the window into the bin of hot water and put your silverware in the little bucket we have floating in the water. The cups, however, belong on a cart that is right beside the persons hip, in fact, if they turn and walk away in a hurry they will actually trip over this cart, that has a tray for it to rest on. It takes a normal person one day to watch one person do the routine, then they copy the routine, and all is well. You know, how some monkeys or apes will watch one ape use a stick as a tool to grab ants from an ant hill and eat them, then he will copy the motion. Simple, easy and effective learning. HOWEVER, there are some people that will require some instruction, and we have to pull the cup from the water, hand it back to them and say "cups go on the cart beside you". The people then apologize, put the cup there and with one instruction, learn.

Now, I know you are thinking, "stupid, why doesnt the dishwasher just put the cups there?" simple, for me, the dishwasher of the week, to put the cups there I have to take the cups from the water, walk to the door, put the cups in the tray and then walk back to the dishpit. If one person does it, no big deal. If I have to do that for all 100 peoples cups (some times more since people grab 2 to 3 cups of juice for one meal), I would effectively go mad and stab them all with the bones of a chicken.

Anyways, this lady has been here for 3 months, has watched people put cups where they belong and has somehow missed this little action and has continually put her cups in the water. Finally, two days ago I broke down and said "cups go there, no one said?" and she went "oh, no one told me. sorry, didnt know" Well, thought the problem was solved. The next day she put her cup back in the water. I thought, "great, slow learner, will tell her tomorrow" Well, yesterday I watched her to see where she put the cups. I couldn't believe what she did. She actually came up, looked at the cart that had the cups, looked at the bin of water, looked at her tray and actually put the entire tray on the cup cart, emptied her plate in the garbage and then left the tray and all on the cup cart.

Who knows, maybe she is forming her own little psychological warfare on me. Maybe this is her way of getting back at me for embarrassing her. Maybe she is an idiot, I dont really know. All I know is that I saw her do this, shook my head and went "oh boy".

Now, that is the sort of thing I would blabber about but today I thought I would pick on me. Tonight, after my shift, I came to my room, logged onto the internet and went to a webpage called www.askmen.com to see a few jokes and all, and I came across three articles on the front page. One had to do with "how to handle stress", the other was "Foreplay Moves She Loves" and the third was "Game Review: Civilization IV: Warlords". I looked at the three, thought for a split second and then instantly clicked on the one that I wanted to read first. Which do you think it was? the foreplay? NOOOOO....the stress? NOOO...I, for some reason, found myself reading up on Civ IV game review!!!! Now, if my friend did that, the first thing I would do would be to move away from him slowly and go "mmmmmmm".

So, now, this is me...inching slowly away from myself (which isnt an easy feat mind you) going HMMMMMMMMMM


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