Wednesday, August 02, 2006

a rose by any other name????

I often wonder if the reason that men are considered so primitive, so easy to please and so simple is because men are just basically so honest with themselves and their actions, more so than women, that we just seem to be that way.

Just this morning I was talking to a friend and she mentioned that she would be passing through a town on her travels (travels quite frequently for her work) and that there was a guy that she knew in that town and she was wondering if she should call him up. I asked if he was her boyfriend or an aquantance if they head out for drinks or movies or something. I got the response "nope, I am just going to be in town for 3 hours so just want to have some sex". Being a guy, I didn't take this as bad or offensive just "ok, no problem, guys do that all the time..breeze in, sleep with a girl, have a good time and then leave...booty calls are normal when you are single". She then hit me with the addition "but I dont want it to feel like a booty call so not sure if I should call him"...THIS statement got me doing a double take to her and nearly slamming my head into the table to make sure I heard her right.

I asked for clarification. You call him up and get together for sex (YES), you talk to him online by MSN and email (YES), you call him and talk to him on the phone or he calls you (RARILY BUT YES), you go out to dinners/watch movies/hang out and do enjoyable things that dont lead to sex (NOPE). Yeah, had to break it to her...she was in a FWB relationship and it was a booty call*G* she was quite firm in the stand that it wasnt a booty call, it would never be a booty call simply because she doesnt do booty calls because they are not nice and good to do.

Are all women like this? there is something that men do that women have objections with, so when women end up doing it as well, they simply say "nope, that is not what it is" and float down denial like Cleopatra in her boat and all is well with the world. If you dont actually admit to yourself that it happens, then does it really happen? a man is in a booty call relationship and he says it is a booty call relationship and he makes it known to her that it is a booty call relationship but she, on the other hand, calls it a 'process of love and friendship between him and I that will blossom to something more'. In this case, is it a booty cal for the guy but something completely different for the female? is that why women are viewed as being so virtuous and true because they lie to themselves and others around them about certain situations and women help other women lie about the situation themselves, thus perpetuating the lies. Whereas, a guy tells the truth and calls the spade a spade and all of sudden men are considered the despicable ones.

Think us guys should stop telling the truth and start taking lying lessons from the female gender. Maybe then we could salvage our reputations


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