Thursday, August 10, 2006

There is a fine line

They say that there is a fine line between insanity and genius, and that is quite possibly true. I am sure that if someone came up with a theory that wasn't prepared by a committee that was paid for by the gov't of the nation with your tax dollars, and if the theory was actually practical, they would call you a madperson and ignore you. However, if you are a politician or professional with a degree of many letters (LLB, Ph.D., MBA, NBA or just plain BS) then your theory, even if it is totally stupid and nonsense, will be heralded as sure genius and will not be questioned.

Is that what is happening with the airlines today? Is there a fine line between safety and paranoia? I just got this email from Westjet because I happen to have a brother that is flying tomorrow and we used my email address to book his ticket. Here is what that email read in total:
Dear WestJet Guest,

On Thursday, August 10, 2006, Transport Canada announced increasedsecurity at all Canadian airports following a major counter-terrorismoperation in the United Kingdom.

As a result of this situation, Transport Canada has implementedrestrictions for carry-on baggage. Until further notice, no liquids,gels or creams will be allowed on board any aircraft, either on yourperson or in carry-on baggage. Liquids or gels in containers of anysize include: all beverages, shampoo, suntan lotion, creams, toothpaste,hair gel, and other items of similar consistency. These items can beplaced in checked baggage but will be at the guest's own risk. Any ofthe above mentioned items will be confiscated at pre-board securityscreening. Guests may bring aboard baby formula, breast milk,if a baby or small child is travelling. Prescription medicinewith a name that matches the guest's ticket, insulin and essentialother non-prescription medicines are allowed. At time of check-in,WestJet customer service agents will give guests the option toremove any restricted items from their carry-on baggage and placethem in their checked baggage. These restrictions currently applyto all flights including transborder into the U.S., domestic andinternational. Due to possible delays at security screening, guests areadvised to check in a minimum of two hours prior to departure.

All these restrictions are subject to change. For updated information onthese or other Government of Canada security requirements please visit; or or phone 1-888-294-2202.If you have any questions regarding your travel arrangements with WestJet,please contact us at 1-800-538-5696.WestJet

So, they are now telling us that unless we have a babe in arms to give the bottled milk to, or prescription drugs, we can not bring any liquids onto the plane? What happens if I dehydrate easy and need to have a bottle of water for a flight? Have you ever tried to get a bottle of water or an extra drink on any flights? I mean, you ask them for some water and then around 10-15 minutes later they come around, hand you a dixie cup that you down in one mouthful and then have to ask for another glass that takes 10-15 minutes. Then after the 5th time you ask for some water they give you the glare like you have just asked them for their first born child.

I understand about security, I understand about the thought "we must take a stand to prevent terrorists from harming people in the world". What I do not understand is going beyond common sense into plain out paranoia. I mean, if you ban water, juice and other liquid substances on the plane, but allow insulin and other liquid drugs, what is to stop a terrorist from creating a chemical brew that is more potentant than regular explosives and yet fits into a small jar. Then one would say "oh, but you need a doctors note to get it onboard" As if a doctors note is going to be hard to create. If we make it so that we call every single doctor that gives out a prescription drug, and with the way this world has turned to giving out drugs, pills and shots from everything from a sniffle to a life threatening illness, that could mean that you would have dozens of people with drugs on the plane that would need a doctors varification. In which case, for my 9am Monday flight I have to get to the airport around noon on Sunday to start going through security to make my flight. A little exaggerated, but where does this madness end?

All I am saying is that when they took my lighters at the security point, when the wanted to do a random strip search, pat down my shoes, have me turn off/on my laptop and have them inspect every part of my pockets and clothing I was fine with that saying, "ok, safety reasons" but taking away a persons water bottle???? That has got to be a step beyond rational safety and into paranoia. Might as well just ask people to fly naked with no carry on. No chance of smuggling on bombs or weapons when we are all naked. Before we get on the plane, have a person with a glove and bit of vaseline and up the chute he goes with everyone just to make sure you have no weapons of minor or mass destruction up where I think this new safety plan should go.

Here is an idea. I say, if a person wants to take a water bottle on the plane, have it run through the x-ray like everything else to discover any possible secret compartments. Then, once through and it proves to be just liquid, have the person carrying the item, crack it open and take a big (and I mean BIG, not a little taste on the lips) gulp of the liquid. I am no chemist, but I figure anything that has the capacity to blow a hole out of a plane is not going to do much for a human body once ingested in a large quantity. Have security walk around to all the gates and anyone found curled into the fetal position in pain and agony gets detained for questioning. OR, have the bottles pass through that swabbing thing that they do on your laptop. They say it can sniff out and sense if your laptop has been near any type of explosive material in its lifetime. Figure if they can find a small bomb in my laptop with that device, I am sure that they can discover that a terrorist is carrying one bottle of sulphuric acid and the other has nitric acid in it, dont you think?

I say, come over to the side of rationality people, and stop playing on the side of madness. Safety is fine, but when you are held prisoner due to your fear of those out to harm you, you might as well put a gun to your head and end your life now. A life lived in fear is not worth living in the least.


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