Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sitara Hewitt..lady of many talents

Wow, I just made this connection. I am sure that many people out there have already made this connection, but for me it comes a little slower. For some reason I cant grasp the double naming of a character and actor in shows. For instance, Pierce Brosnan is never Brosnan. When people ask me who I think was the best Bond ever I have to reply "in the past it was always Dr. Jones but recently I have changed that to Remington Steele". Of course when I get the "WTF?!?!?" look on the faces of the people I have to go back and really think and say "sorry, Connery was good in the past, but Brosnan is a better Bond now I think".

Same thing happened with these two shows of Your Bet Your Ass and Little Mosque On The Prairie. All I can say is WOW does that Sitara clean up nice, and by 'clean up nice' I mean get really hot when you throw her in short shorts or short skits and tight fitting t-shirts with sexual comments on them. I mean, take a look at these clips from the shows with her.



Guess I am just a typical perverted male horndog but who would have thought such a gorgeous gal was wrapped up in those sheets on LMOTP. But at least it shows that the girl has range and can play two polar opposite roles convincingly. She can play a devote muslim woman in one and a slutty North American woman in another. That is like being able to go up and sing an opera Aria perfectly and then grab a microphone and do a south central rap that would put Eminem to shame.


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